Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland
2016 Interclub Grand Challenge Match
A super, fun filled day was had by all 4 UK Rhodesian Ridgeback clubs on Saturday 12th November 2016 at the Inter Club Grand Challenge Match - hosted by the RR Club of Great Britain in Coventry. Our judge for the day had been kept Top Secret and she had traveled overseas from Spain especially for the event, a big thank you to Vanessa Moyano, Breed Specialist.
The RRCS team did us all proud and managed a respectable second place overall winning Reserve Best in Match. Well done to the GB club for winning Best in Match! We ended up with 2 heat winners out of the 4 we took part in so a great result and a huge thank you to everyone who supported our team - details below:
Supermatch 2016 – RRCS entries
Puppy (3 max) - no entries took part in this class
Liz Hughson - Gabisa Shiant – W/D
Yearling (3 max)
Kate Maylor – Mirengo’s Musola at Kamili
Sharon Rossiter - Sonstraal Blood Sunrise
Helen Mansfield – Shingwidsi Tshadi Rose
Open (4 max)
Kate Maylor -Kamili Coat of Many Colours – Overall heat Open winner
Eileen Nelson – Gabisa Woo Woo at Zougani JW
Lisa Aitken - Gabisa Spotted Dick – heat winner
Elaine smith – Kiromol Karasi of Makibos – heat winner
Champion (3 max)
Helen Mansfield - Ch Shingwidsi Tshelete Silk
Kate Maylor - Ch Kamili Comes and Goes JW
Ally Muir – Ch Kiromol It’s all About Me at Kikeba JW – heat winner
Veteran (3 max)
Lisa Aitken - Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM – Overall Veteran heat winner & Reserve Best in Match
Sharon Rossiter - Kamili Busara
Kate Maylor – Kamili Asabi – W/D
We'll hold the trophy for 3 years when it will be our turn to host this event in 2019 - we hope more of our members will apply to join in on the fun next time around!

Photo by Lena Piehl - Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM, awarded Best Veteran in Match and Reserve Best in Match Overall pictured with Judge Vanessa Moyano