Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland
This page is dedicated to dogs who are resident in Scotland, who have achieved their Champion title in the UK.
To achieve this title in the UK a dog must win 3 Challenge Certificates under 3 different judges - this may sound easier than it actually is considering the number of Ridgebacks shown in this country and the limited number of Championship Shows per annum.
Please send us a photograph(s) if your dog meets the above criteria to have your dog included rrcs@live.co.uk
CH Mangwe Messina JW
(Ulundi Ushumba of Eilack x Mangwe Oyera)
Owned by Sharon Rossiter & Anthea Fox of the Sonstraal Kennel
Fern was the first Scottish Ridgeback to become a Champion

CH Gunthwaite Corrina of Sonstraal JW
(Burncote Baron x Gunthwaite Annalova)
Bred by Julie Bates, owned by Mr Millar and campaigned by Sharon Rossiter of the Sonstraal Kennel
Dolly was the first UK Liver nosed Champion, and also the first to achieve her Junior Warrant

CH Flametrees Dophan of the Glen
(Flametrees Oberon x Flametrees Aerin)
Bred by Caroline Melville of the Nurisha Kennel, owned by Mr & Mrs Ringer of Flametrees


CH Sonstraal Somali
(Kwekwe Kimoru of Sonstraal x CH Mangwe Messina JW)
Bred & owned by the Sonstraal Kennel

CH Flametrees Ruby Tuesday
(Sansilver Samuru x Shona of Burnockholm)
CH / Ir CH Mursil Huntsmaster of Barca
(Rejan Qualitaire x Shona of Burnockholm)


CH/INT/IR CH Walamadengie Conquisidor
(IR CH Chrisona Lomu of Flametrees x Walamadengie Serra)
Bred & owned by the Walamadengie Kennel, Connie was the UK's first International Champion
Photo by Trafford

CH Zougani Zapella
(CH Jespah Alekzander of Janak x Zougani Aristata)
Bred & Owned by the Zougani Kennel
CH Burncote Nukooroo at Nehando
Bred by Anne Bates, owned by Mr & Mrs Bennie


CH Zougani Zamba
(CH Sonstraal Somali x CH Zougani Zapella)
Bred and campaigned by Eileen Nelson, owned by Mr & Mrs Skelly
CH Sonstraal Baron Samedi
(CH Rex Ventors Beks at Nyassa (Imp) x Sibasa Mfasi of Sonstraal)
Bred by Sharon Rossiter & Anthea Fox, owned by Gillian Hutcheson & Stuart Ogilvie of the Gabisa Kennel

Photo by Trafford
CH/INT/BEL/IR CH Walamadengie Awesome
(CH Gunthwaite Action Man x CH/INT/IR CH Walamadengie Conquisidor)
Bred & Owned by Janice and Gordon Cunningham (pictured) of the Walamadengie Kennel
Awesome was the first RR in UK to become a Multi Champion, and currently the only male RR to hold it.
Photo by Trafford


CH Rex Ventors Gabriza (Imp)
(SW CH Dumela Ra Leo x SW CH Rex Ventors Arreza)
Bred by Miss Veronica Thoren, owned by the Sonstraal Kennel in partnership with Mr Tom Johnston

CH Sonstraal Christmas Eve at Kazval JW
(CH / Aust CH Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp Aust) x Sonstraal Pussy Galore)
Bred by Sharon Rossiter & Anthea Fox, owned by Christine Young & Frank Whyte (pictured)
Photo by Dalrymple
Aust / UK CH Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp)
(Chilolo Jonty Goes Easy x Aust CH Chilolo Go for Gold)
Bred by Rosemary Green, owned by Sharon Rossiter and Anthea Fox of the Sonstraal Kennel

CH Rumeruti Rather B Rabbiting
(Aust/UK CH Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp x )
Bred by Mr & Mrs Onslow of the Rumerutti Kennel and owned in partnership by the Rumeruti Kennel and Mr Tom Johnston.


CH Kiromol Kantigi of Kikeba JW ShCM
(Musanga Sanga Mukana at Nyassa (Imp) x IR CH Kiromol Kianga)
Owned by Alison and Scott Muir, bred by Paul and Liz Storey

CH Sonstraal Gabe's Prospect at Sescheke JW ShCM
(CH/Aust CH Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp) x CH Rex Ventors Gabriza (Imp))
Bred by Sharon Rossiter & Anthea Fox and owned in partnership by the Sonstraal Kennel and Nicholas Boyd (all pictured above)

CH Rejan Chaos ShCM
(CH Flametrees Kyper of Godolphin x Lpuli Jolly Sparkle of Rejan)
Bred by Janet Parker and owned by V. Brown and K. Wells

CH Stardust's Escada by Amila of Gabisa (Imp Swe) (AI)
(CH Sonstraal Baron Samedi x Swe CH Stardust's Amila)
Owned by Gillian Hutcheson and Stuart Ogilvie, bred by Bitte Rhenberg

CH Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM
(CH/Aust CH Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp) x Sonstraal Miss Marple of Gabisa)
Owned by Lisa Aitken & Iain Reid, bred by Sharon Rossiter & Anthea Fox

CH Kiromol It's All About Me at Kikeba JW
(BIS, MBISS, MJCH UK NED & BEL CH Villagedogs Hot Topic x Kiromol Kinuka)
Owned by Alison & Scott Muir, bred by Liz & Paul Storey & Lena Piehl
CH Zougani Zawadi ShCM
(UK/Aust CH Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp) x Zougani Ziba)
Bred by Eileen Nelson, Owned by Gemma Darling & handled by Billie Darling

CH Sonstraal She's a Devil Woman JW ShCM

GB Ch, IR Ch Kololi Star
Of Walamadengie Jnr Ch, CW12
(Multi CH Walamadengie Awesome x Pambili Pamoja)
Bred by Alan & Louise McLardie
Owned by Janice & Gordon Cunningham

CH Mwenga Hasani for Jengachenga
(Ch Sonstraal Baron Samedi x
Caine Abels Red Xclusiv for Mwenga (Imp Swe)
Bred by Mr M & Mrs T L Agnew
Owned by Mrs Kate Lowson

CH Jimanns Jiggy Jiggy
(GB/ IRE/ BEL/ INT CH Multi CH Walamadengie Awesome x Jimanns Hashie Bashie)
Bred and Owned by Anne Harrower