Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland
Judge's Comments and Critique 8th November 2008
Judge: Mr John Sigve Berg, Norway
Judge's report
First I would like to thank You for trusting me to judge Your Championship show. It was a great honour for me.
The puppies were good examples of the breed and I especially was impressed with their temperaments and their ring performance.
My best puppy -Mwenga's Special Brew - who also was best junior and got the male res CC was a beautiful masculine 10,5 months old male with lots of breed quality. He moved very nice when he settled holding his topline strong and correct. His feet could be a little bit more compact.
My best female junior - Sonstraal Gabby Anny of Gabisa - who I also gave reserve CC was a beautiful livernose female with great attitude and excellent mover, still a junior but with lots of quality. I love livernose dogs but for me to put up a livernose they need to be of really excellent quality and this junior so was.
My Best in Show was Veldtkammer Red Hot Chick at Jaloumi, a feminine bitch of excellent quality who covered the ground beautiful moving around. A female that should have no problems winning anywhere.
My Reserve Best in Show was Sofala Lincon a strong masculine male of maximum size who had it all. I would only whish he could be a little bit smaller.
My Best Veteran was Zougani Zamba excellent breedtype, strong masculine, well angulated rear but a little short upper arm which gives a little unstable frontmovements. Otherwise a beautiful specimen.
There was a lot of variation with heads among the males. Some with rather broad scull and short muzzle and lack of underjaw, some a bit cheeky and short necks, lots with short muzzle.
Croups and topline need attention - some croups are a little high with low tail sets. Lots of topline where dogs tends to fall down in front during movement, too high in the rear, and soft toplines. These faults disturbes the fluent move a ridgeback should possess.
Another thing that needs your attention is feet. I saw a lot of dogs with really flat feet and this is not a breed quality. It's terrible for the dog and it ruin the dogs standing and movement.
Apart from this everyone was sporting and my ringsteward was excellent and considerate. Thanks to all who made my day an enjoyable one.
Best regards
John S. Berg
MPD (8)
1. Sales and Lloyd's Lionpride Leonado. Masculine puppy, strong head, excellent neck, dark eye, well laid shoulder, good upper arm, feet very nice, topline OK, carries tail a little high on the move, goes very nice.
2. Sanders Kuwinda To Do is to Dare. Excellent puppy, with a masculine head, dark eye, well set ear, good muzzle, excellent neck, well laid shoulder, good upper arm, topline OK, bone excellent, moves very nice, feet a little flat. Both with correct ridges and excellent temperament.
PD (8, 3abs)
1. Walton Haddon's Mwenga's Special Brew. Beautiful masculine dog, masculine head, strong muzzle, a little roman nose, correct bite, excellent shoulder and upper arm, strong bone , excellent topline, well set tail, moves fluently and very elegant, feet could be a little bit more compact, correct ridge, nice temperament.. BP & RDCC.
2. Young and Brien's Jengachenga Atsama. Strong masculine male, excellent head, well set ear, good eye, strong neck, well laid shoulder, excellent upper arm, excellent bone, good topline, moves OK, still a little unsettled on the move, needs to tighten up a bit, but that will come when he is maturing. Correct ridge.

JD (10, 2)
1. Walton Haddon's Mwenga's Special Brew.
2. Dickinson's Jesamuda Jakuru. Masculine male of maximum size, masculine head, strong head, strong muzzle, well set ear, excellent neck, well laid shoulder, a little short in upper arm, a little long in body, good topline, excellent bone, nice feet, well set tail, moves very nice, long and fluently, still young and needs to mature. Correct ridge, nice temperament.
YD (4, 2)
1. Aitken and Reid's Sonstraal Chocolate Storm. Masculine dog, excellent head, well set ear, little light eye, muzzle excellent, good neck, well set shoulder, little short in upper arm, excellent topline, little steep in croup, moves very nice, good depth of chest for age, excellent bone, compact feet, excellent mover. Correct ridge.
2. Lennox and Cochrane's Walamadengie Ambassador. Head a bit broad, and cheeky, good length of muzzle, short lack of underjaw, which gives a bit snipey head, good neck, well laid shoulder, little short in upper arm, medium size dog, good topline, excellent bone, feet could be a little bit more compact, moves OK, croup a little bit steep. Correct ridge.
PGD (4, 1)
1. Salmon's Diamondridge Bakari of Zebrariver. Excellent male of excellent size, beautiful head, strong muzzle, dark eye, good neck, well laid shoulder, a little short in upper arm, excellent topline, well set tail, well developed chest, excellent bone, good feet, moves very nice.
2. Mills' Janak Jaron by Nzuri. Masculine head, good eye, could have better filled underjaw, good neck, well laid shoulder, bit short in upper arm, good topline, tail a bit high set, straight angulated behind, high hocks, bit short on the move, excellent bone, compact feet, all nice temperaments, correct ridges.
LD (14, 6)
1. Raymond's Sofala Sovereign. Excellent size, strong male, strong head, dark eye, well set ears, well filled out muzzle, a little bit lippy, strong neck, some neck skin, well laid shoulder, good upper arm, excellent topline, well developed chest, strong bone, feet a little flat, moderate angulation behind, excellent mover, correct ridge and excellent temperament.
2. Lowson's Mwenga Hasani for Jengachenga. Excellent size, excellent head, strong muzzle, nice eye, well set ear, good length of neck, well laid shoulder, a bit short in upper arm, good topline, strong bone, moderately angulated, feet on both these dogs could be a little stronger, nice movers, correct ridge.

OD (12, 3)
1. Bowlus' Ch Sofala Lincoln. Strong masculine male, top of the size, masculine head, good length of muzzle, very deep and powerful muzzle, dark eye, well set ear, strong neck, well laid shoulder, good upper arm, excellent topline, well set tail, excellent bone and feet, moves very nice, fluently and effortless, correct ridge and nice temperament. DCC & RBIS
2. Cunningham's Ch/Ir/ Int Ch Walamadengie Awesome. Medium size, excellent type, beautiful head, dark eye, good muzzle, excellent neck, well laid shoulder, nice upper arm, excellent topline, well angulated, good bone, feet could be a little bit more compact, moves very nice, but with shorter steps than 1. Correct ridge and nice temperament.
VD ( 5)
1. Skelly's Ch Zougani Zamba. Excellent type, 7yrs old, masculine head, good length of muzzle, nice eye, well set ear, good length of neck, well laid shoulder, a little bit short in upper arm, excellent topline, well set tail, well angulated in rear, excellent bone, nice feet, moves very nice, correct ridge, excellent temperament. B.V.
2. Raymond's Sofala Sebakwe. 8 ½ years old, masculine, excellent head, good length of muzzle, dark eye, excellent neck, well laid shoulder, bit short in upper arm, good topline, tailset OK, excellent bone, well angulated rear, a little flat feet, moves OK but a little loose in front, excellent ridge and temperament.

MPB (12, 3)
1. Goulden and Graneek's Lionpride Grand Edition of Maasai. Beautiful female puppy, excellent head, with nice expression, dark eye, long muzzle, excellent neck, going over well laid shoulder, good upper arm, well angulated rear, good topline, excellent bone, nice feet, moves very nice for age. BPB
2. Lawless' Faahac Fareyna. Excellent female, with excellent head, dark eye, good length of muzzle, excellent neck, elegant shoulder which is well laid, excellent upper arm, good topline, a bit high in the rear, excellent angulation in rear, excellent bone, good feet, moves OK when she wants, a little bit high in rear, but otherwise OK, well set tail, correct ridge and nice temperament.
PB (10, 4)
1. Goulden and Graneek's Lionpride Grand Edition of Maasai.
2. Pearce's Veldtkammer Moet Chandon. Feminine puppy with excellent head, dark eye, well set ear, good neck, well laid shoulder, bit short in upper arm, a bit high in rear during move, well angulated rear, moderate front, excellent bone, good feet, moves OK, excellent temperament, excellent ridges.

JB (5, 1)
1. Hutcheson and Ogilvie's Sonstraal Gabby Anny of Gabisa. Livernose female, excellent type, excellent head, dark amber eye, well set ear, excellent muzzle, beautiful neck, well laid shoulder, nice upper arm, excellent topline, well angulated, excellent bone and feet, moves very nice, with good long stride. RBCC.
2. Wallace's Sonstraal Gabby's Dream. Excellent type, feminine head, dark eye, well built muzzle, strong neck, well laid shoulder, little short in upper arm, good topline, a little straight in croup, moderate angulation, excellent bone, nice feet, moves nice but a little bit loose in elbows, excellent type, ridge and temperament.
YB (5, 2)
1.Barnes' Diamondridge Dolissma. Excellent female, excellent type, head is strong yet feminine, dark eye, excellent muzzle, strong neck, well laid shoulder, nice upper arm, strong topline, well angulated, excellent bone and feet, moves very nice, correct ridge and nice temperament.
2. Wallace's Sonstraal Gabby's Dream.
PGB (8, 3)
1. Farleigh's Kinabula Kirasi Kisa Sh CM. Excellent female, feminine head, well set ear , a little light eye, good muzzle, strong neck, well laid shoulder, excellent upper arm, well angulated, strong topline, excellent bone and feet, moves very nice, would like a little bit more power in her move.
2. Doughty's Rubiltra Chizarira. Excellent type, correct head, but would like a little bit more feminine head, dark eye, excellent muzzle, beautiful neck, well laid shoulder, good upper arm, good topline, a little round over the croup, moderate angulation, excellent bone, feet could be a little more compact, a good mover, excellent ridge and temperament.
LB (11, 2)
1. Miles and Parke's Veldtkammer Red Hot Chick at Jaloumi. Beautiful female, excellent type & size, feminine head, dark eye, good length of muzzle, strong neck, well laid shoulder, good upper arm, strong topline, croup OK, good angulation, excellent bone and feet, moves very nice and she loves moving. BCC and BIS.
2. Raymond's Sofala Sequence. Excellent type, strong feminine head, dark eye, excellent muzzle, neck is very good, well laid shoulder, a little short upper arm, strong topline, moderate angulation, strong bone, feet could be a little more compact, moves better and better as long as she is running. Both with excellent ridge and temperament.

OB (14, 3)
1. Farleigh's Leoness at Featherbed with Kinabula JW. Excellent type, beautiful head, dark eye, well set ear, good muzzle, excellent neck, well laid shoulder, good upper arm, strong topline, good croup, well angulated, excellent bone and feet, moves very nice, easy and steady.
2. Lawless' Ch Hayawani Kamambaa Rangi to Faahac (Imp Swe) Sh CM. Livernose female, excellent pigmentation, good head, would prefer a little bit longer nose, dark eye, good strength in muzzle, strong neck, well laid shoulder, good upper arm, topline a little soft, croup a little bit steep, moderate angulation, excellent bone and feet, moves OK: Both with excellent ridge and temperament.
VB ( 2)
1. Nelson's Zougani Ziba. Strong handsome female, with a feminine head, good length of muzzle, dark eye, excellent neck, well laid shoulder, good upper arm, strong topline, good length of body, excellent tailset, excellent bone, well angulated, excellent feet, moves quite nice for her age, a little high in rear during movement, great bitch, nice temperament, correct ridge.
2. Henshall's Shingeti Aliki at Suhuba. Good type, would like a little bit more strength in muzzle, well set ear, dark eye, good neck, well laid shoulder, a bit short in upper arm, a bit high in rear, tends to fall down in front during movement, moderate angulation behind, quite fine bone, feet some flat, and tends to be quite unstable in front movement, correct ridge and nice temperament.