Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland
Championship Show 2009
I would like to thank the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland for the invitation to judge your Championship Show. The hospitality that you extended to myself and my husband Richard was exceptional with facilities which compare very favourably to ours in Australia, although we do not have a canteen and that would be very beneficial!
I would like to thank the exhibitors for their entry and good sportsmanship with regard to my decisions. I had some challenges along the way and my deciding reasons for some of the placements was the head type that depicts the breed. Heads in my opinion need to be watched as I felt that you were losing the flat skull with a rounding off over the skull with small eyes and pointed muzzles lacking in underjaw. On the other end of the scale be careful with too much cheek and courseness, likewise with the heads being too rectangular skull to muzzle ratio. There needs to be a balance between the ratios of head planes – width of skull equals length of skull equals length of muzzle with a strong muzzle and underjaw. In my opinion this is very important otherwise breed type will disappear.
Conformation in my winners generally was good, however it is always a challenge to get all the angles in balance with a level topline and sound movement. Generally ridges, coat, and colour were excellent.
Finally, I would like to thank the Committee once again and hope that we can return the hospitality in the future to those venturing down under to Australia.
Kind Regards
Anna Lane
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland Championship Show
8th November2009
Judge : Anna Lane
Dog Critiques
Minor Puppy Dog
1st – Exhibit 56 – Veldtkammer Golden Balls :- RBP
Well balanced 6 month puppy dog – moderately balanced dog. Head with round dark brown eyes, would prefer more stop, good ear carriage, well laid shoulders, prefer more lay of upper arm, level topline, good spring of rib, moves true fore and aft.
Front feet need to be strengthened for consistent knuckling.
2nd – Exhibit 73 – Veldtkammer Going for Gold
Heavier style of dog. Heavier head, eyes showed looseness, good ear set, good lay of shoulder, well knuckled feet, level topline good depth of chest, good ridge, loose movement.
Puppy Dog
1st – Exhibit 56 – see Minor Puppy Dog
2nd – Exhibit 93 – Eilack Chato
10 month old puppy – shorter muzzle, low set ears - prefer larger ears which he holds back, good lay of shoulder and upper arm, good ridge, level topline, moderate turn of stifle, did not move as well as exhibit number 1. Feet well knuckled.
3rd - Exhibit 73 – see Minor Puppy Dog
Junior Dog
1st – Exhibit 26 – Jaloumi I am Legend from Hesslewell -
Heavier Dog, heavier head, prefer less cheek on head, level planes, round eye, well laid shoulder and upper arm, level topline, well knuckled feet, prefer ridge to commence higher on shoulder, good turn of stifle, well muscled thighs.
2nd – Exhibit 24. Jocebec Jelani Elite
Lighter wheaten dog, almond eye, good length of muzzle, require more underjaw and less flews, moderate lay of shoulder, topline ran up at rear, require more hindquarter angulation and first and second thigh. Excellent well knuckled feet.
Yearling Dog
1st – Exhibit 51 Jengachenga Akili
Well balanced dog, good head, length of muzzle, dark eye, correct ear set. Well laid shoulder and upper arm, adequate fill in front, good feet, level topline acceptable ridge, good turn of stifle, throws front around when moving forward.
2nd - Exhibit 87 Wingsdancin Archangel Lucifer
Head too heavy and too much flew, short muzzle. Requires better angulation front and rear, topline not level and rises at the rear, good feet.
Post Graduate Dog
1st – Exhibit 104 Jengachenga Atsama
Well balanced dog, balanced head, requires more underjaw, round eyes, correct ear set. Well laid shoulder, straighter upper arm, deep chest, loose pasterns, good feet, good coat and colour. Level topline, good ridge, good turn of stifle, correct movement from behind.
2nd – Exhibit 37 Totally Jay
Balanced head, requires better strength of muzzle, round dark eyes, correct lay of shoulder, level topline, requires longer upper arm, steep croup, good feet. Not as balanced as number 1.
Limit Dog
1st – Exhibit 1 Sonstraal Chocolate Storm:- DCC
Well balanced dog overall, good head, round eye, level topline, good ridge, well laid shoulder, tracked true fore and aft.
2nd – Exhibit 33 Matabelle Masterpiece:- RDCC:-
Head not as parallel in the planes, round eye, well laid shoulder, well filled front, good feet, level topline, require better hindquarter.

Open Dog
1st – Exhibit 9 Ch. Sonstraal Gabe’s Prospect at Sescheke JW ShCM
Well balanced dog, well laid shoulder, level topline, well laid shoulder, requires less white on chest.
2nd – Exhibit 15 Ch. Umhlandla Luwamba JW
Well balanced head, correct shoulder assembly, topline could be stronger, requires more turn of stifle and well muscled second thigh.
Veteran Dog
1st – Exhibit 89 Ch/Aus Ch Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp) :-BV
9 years old and of excellent type. Well balanced head, strong jaw, well laid shoulder, level topline, good ridge, requires more turn of stifle and more drive in rear.
Bitch Critiques
Minor Puppy Bitch
1st – Exhibit 17 Hespa Heloise :-BP
Well balanced head, round eye, well laid shoulder, topline is adequate at this age, good turn of stifle, good feet and ridge.
2nd – Exhibit 70 Veldtkammer Golden Touch.
Head not balanced – requires more stop, oval eye should be round. Well laid shoulder, good feet, topline slopes to a high rear, requires more drive from the rear.
Puppy Bitch
1st – Exhibit 70 Veldtkammer Golden Touch
Critique as in Minor Puppy Bitch.
Junior Bitch
1st – Exhibit 81 Sonstraal She’s a Devil Woman
Beautiful elegant balanced bitch, dark eye, balanced head, well laid shoulder, level topline, well angulated, good ridge, well knuckled feet.
2nd – Exhibit 97 Ballyriver Miss Miller Under Unzezi
Slightly heavier bitch than first place getter, excellent head, well balanced, round eyes, well laid shoulder, require a stronger topline and more turn of stifle. 2 excellent bitches.
Yearling Bitch
1st – Exhibit 81 Sonstraal She’s a Devil Woman
Critique as in Junior Bitch.
2nd – Exhibit 82 Sofala Shangiliwa
Balanced head, oval eye, require more lay of shoulder and, stronger topline, steep croup, length of body too long. Good coat and ridge.
Limit Bitch
1st – Exhibit 50 Faahac Fareyna JW ShCM
Good type of bitch, parallel planes on head, good expression, round eyes, correct ear placement, good lay of shoulder, requires more lay of upper arm, requires a stronger topline, well muscled first and second thigh, well let down hocks, good ridge. Moved true fore and aft.
2nd – Jimanns Jiggy Jiggy
Clean outline, good head, requires more underjaw, clean neck into shoulders, well ribbed back, medium loin, moderate turn of stifle, moved well side on.
Open Bitch
1st – Exhibit 25 Zougani Zawadi:- BIS
Excellent type, elegant and clean outline, balanced head, parallel planes, dark eyes, correct ear placement, good reach of neck into well laid shoulders, fill in front, good depth and length of ribcage, level topline, medium loin correct set of pelvic area, well muscled first and second thigh, well let down hocks, well knuckled feet, correct ridge. Moved true fore and aft.

2nd – Exhibit 23 IR/Bel Ch Walamadengie Lady Elegance CW :-RBCC
Excellent type of bitch, balanced head, good ear set, well laid shoulder, straighter upper arm, good bone into well knuckled feet, good depth and length of ribbing, fill in front, level topline, moderate turn of stifle. Moved true fore and aft.
Veteran Bitch
1st – Exhibit 39 Flametrees Nenya at Jimanns :-RBV
Balanced bitch and in great condition for her age. Beautiful balanced head, parallel planes, round dark eyes, correct ear set. Well laid shoulder and upper arm, well knuckled feet, well ribbed back, level topline, medium loin, correct croup, good turn of stifle, well let down hocks. Movement could have been sounder.