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Championship Show 2011

Rosemary Green (Chilolo) judged our annual Championship Show at Lanark and found her Best in Show & Dog Challenge Certificate in Aitken & Reid's Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm. Reserve Best in Show & Bitch Challenge Certificate went to Ferguson's Sonstraal the Devil's Waltz.

Reserve Dog Challenge Certificate went to Lennie's Jengachenga Akili, with Reserve Bitch Challenge Certificate being awarded to Rossiter & Pratt's Sonstraal She's a Devil Woman JW ShCM. Best Puppy went to the bitch, Melville's Nurisha Emerald She's the One and Best Veteran was awarded to Donnelly's Kylini Ijscrystal. Best Breeder in show went to the Faahac kennel.

Thank you to everyone who supported the show, and a special mention to Royal Canin who kindly sponsored us once again! Check out photos from the day in The Gallery. If you were an exhibitor and would like to have a copy of your photograph emailed to you then please send your request to

 Best in Show 2011 - CH Sonstraal Chocolate Storm

Show Report

I would like to thank the Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland for the opportunity to judge at their specialty show on 6 November 2011. There were some lovely dogs and bitches entered. It was a pleasure to judge them and I thank all the exhibitors for accepting my decisions graciously.

I was pleased to see that the vast majority of exhibits had dark eyes of the correct round shape required of the standard. Most exhibits were well presented and displayed excellent temperament in the ring, however the color of some of them is bordering on too dark. Toplines generally speaking were correct although some croups tended to role over a little which results in low tail set. Some front assemblies were incorrect with lack of chest fill and short upper arms without sufficient angle of return resulting in shoulders set too far forward.

Most ridges conformed to the standard and overall the quality was very good and I am sure the top placings would be able to hold their own anywhere in the world.

Rosemary Green - Australia

Minor Puppy Dog Class (1 entry)

1st No. 21 Ilizulu Kito Star: well grown puppy, good length of muzzle with lovely dark eye and correct ear set, would prefer better return of upper arm, on the move he was a little loose in front which should improve as he matures, correct ridge.

Puppy Dog Class (3 entries)

1st No 69 Ballyriver Hamish: well grown puppy, lovely dark eye, could be cleaner under his neck, good depth of chest and length of rib, moved out well under the conditions, inclined to be loose in pastern on the move which should improve with age, correct ridge.

2nd No 21 Ilizulu Kito Star

Junior Dog Class (2 entries)

1st No. 43 Veldtkammer Tip Em Up: dark eye and correct ear set, needs more length of upper arm and more angulation front and rear, very well handled, correct ridge of excellent length.

2nd place No. 52 Nurisha Emeralds New Moon: very happy exuberant young dog with a novice handler which made it difficult to examine him or to see his true movement. Both dog and handler have potential and would benefit with more practice and training

Yearling Dog Class (1 entry)

1st No 51 - Zougani Zuri: pleasing head with correct ear set and dark eye, would prefer more angulation front and rear and more chest fill, good depth of chest, tail set a little low, correct ridge

Novice Dog Class (2 entries)

1st No 22 Zougani Zakulu: tall dog, well balanced overall with good depth of chest and length of rib, correct ridge, good low set hocks, smooth easy mover

2nd Place No 44 Jengachenga Bright Sparkle: this dog would benefit with more training, would prefer darker eye, correct ridge.

Post Graduate Dog Class (3 entries)

1st No 61 Eilack Chato: very dark red dog, pleasing head with lovely dark eye, would prefer a little more bone and substance for his age but overall he was balanced and elegant with correct body proportions, correct ridge, he covered the ground well with a smooth and easy gait

2nd place No 42 Veldttkammer Golden Balls of Callmn: another very dark red dog, also with a lovely dark eye, a little short in body resulting in this dog not having the balanced movement of the first placed dog, correct ridge

Limit Dog Class (6 entries - 1 absent)

1st No 36 Jengachenga Akili: lovely balanced dog, well handled, correct head proportions, sufficient length of neck flowing into excellent front assembly with correct angle of shoulder and upper arm, strong hindquarters, free easy movement holding topline well, correct ridge. Well handled. This dog went on to win Reserve Dog.

2nd place No 7 Jengachenga Atsama For Imanje: Another excellent male with pleasing head, would prefer a darker eye, good length of neck flowing into sufficiently angled shoulder, sufficient depth of chest and length of rib, moved well, correct ridge. Litter brother to no. 36

Open Dog Class (6 entries)

1st No 1 Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm: Pleasing head and expression, sufficient chest fill, well balanced front and rear angulation, strong topline and hindquarters, good feet, correct ridge. Whilst I would not want this dog any taller, he has outstanding movement which I feel is so important for the breed. He has long, flowing strides and covers the ground easily with a minimum amount of effort and without over-reaching. Well handled and presented. This dog went on to win Best Dog and Best In Show.

2nd Place No 66 Ch Rejan Chaos ShCM: Another quality male, lovely head and expression, could have more chest fill, strong hindquarters, moved true out and back with easy strides and holds his topline well,

3rd place No. 50 Ch Kiromol Its All About Me At Kikeba JW: Pleasing head and expression with lovely dark eye, good length of neck flowing into well laid shoulder, would prefer more length of upper arm however he moved out well, sufficient bone with good feet.

Veteran Dog (1 entry)

1st place No 9 Kirafiki Runako Boyani: Lovely 9 1/2 year old dog presented in excellent condition for his age, pleasing head with lovely dark eye, sufficient depth of chest and length of rib, strong hindquarters, moved well. A credit to his owner who I hope has many more years of companionship from this boy.

Puppy Bitch (4 entries - 1 abs)

1st No 48 Nurisha She's The One: well handled, very alert puppy with attractive head and expression, would like to see more chest fill at this age however she moves out well and holds her topline, excellent hindquarters. Best Puppy in Show.

2nd place No 29 Ballyriver Hot Caramel: Another very attractive youngster with lovely dark eye, correct ear set, sufficient chest and ribbing, not quite the hindquarter and turn of stifle of the first place getter.

Junior Bitch (5 entries - 1 abs)

1st place No 6 Gunthwaite One Cool Diamond: lovely feminine young bitch with very attractive head and expression, well balanced front and rear angulation, strong topline, moved well, correct ridge, well handled and presented.

2nd No 63 Makibos Kilimadscharo: very strong bitch, not as feminine as No 6, sufficient depth of chest and ribbing, good feet, correct ridge

3rd place No 62 Makibos Kilimanerika: On looking at the catalogue after the show, I found that this girl is a litter sister to No 63 and is very similar in type. Very powerful bitch, would prefer a better turn of stifle, correct ridge.

Yearling Bitch (3 entries)

1st place No 46 Kamili Busara: strongly built bitch, would prefer more feminine head, correct ear set, good depth of chest, slight dip in topline with a tendency to run downhill on the move, correct ridge

2nd Place No 33 Shingwidsi Tshelete Silk: Very different in type to No 46, feminine bitch with pretty head and expression, would prefer more chest fill, ridge slightly off-set, correct feet

Post Graduate Bitch (3 entries - 1 abs)

1st Place No19 Sonstraal The Devil's Waltz: lovely bitch combining strength and femininity, pleasing head with good proportions, beautifully balanced front and rear angulation, excellent body

proportions resulting in free flowing, smooth gait, excellent ridge.

This bitch went on to win Best Bitch and Reserve Best In Show. (pictured below)

Limit Bitch (9 entries - 3 abs)

1st Place No 60 Sonstraal She's A Devil Woman JW ShCM: Litter sister to No 19 and very similar in type. As with No 19, this girl combines bone and substance without losing femininity, lovely front assembly, strong hindquarters, free and easy gait, excellent ridge. This bitch went on to win Reserve Bitch. (pictured below)

2nd Place No 41 Druimderg Dancin Wit Fire At Callmn: Very impressive, tall, dark red bitch, strong head with lovely dark eye, sufficient depth of chest and ribbing, powerful mover but has a tendency to over-reach, ridge could be a touch longer

Open Bitch (13 entries - 6 abs)1st Place No 12 Ch Hespa Heloise ShCM JW: Attractive dark red bitch, strong head with lovely dark eye, good depth of chest and length of ribbing, sufficient front and rear angulation, moved well

2nd Place No 25 Jimanns Jiggy Jiggy: Very neat athletic bitch, pleasing head and expression, would prefer more chest fill, balanced front and rear, moved well, correct ridge

3rd Place No 65 Sonstraal Gabby's Dream ShCM: Well balanced lighter wheaten bitch with pleasing head and expression, correct ear placement, correct front assembly, moved smoothly

Veteran Bitch (6 entries - 1 abs)1st Place No 14 Kylini IJSCrystal: super 9 ½ year old bitch in great condition for her 

age and with a very obvious strong rapport with her handler. Attractive head, dark eyes with soft, kind expression, good lay of shoulder, well put together overall and she showed to perfection. A credit to her owner and I hope they have many more years together. Best Veteran in Show.

2nd Place No 23 Jimanns Hashie Bashie: Feminine moderate bitch, looking good at 7 years of age, good ridge, correct feet, moved smoothly3rd Place No 59 Sonstraal Miss Marple At Gabisa: Lovely 10 year old, feminine bitch with kind expression, excellent front assembly, little long in body and soft in topline but, considering her age, she is doing very well.


Full results

Minor Puppy Dog

1.Ilizulu Kito Star

Puppy Dog

1. Ballyriver Hamish

2. Ilizulu Kito Star

3. Nurisha Emeralds New Moon

Junior Dog

1. Veldtkammer Tip Em Up

2. Nurisha Emeralds New Moon

Yearling Dog

1. Zougani Zuri

Novice Dog

1. Zougani Zakulu

2. Jengachenga Bright Sparkle

Post Graduate Dog

1. Eilack Chato

2. Veldtkammer Golden Balls of Callmn

3. Jengachenga By Design

Limit Dog

1. Jengachenga Akili

2. Jengachenga Atsama

3. Faahac Faabu

4. Judabimatobo Jomeja Matobo

5. Wingsdancin Archangel Lucifer

Open Dog

1. CH Sonstraal Chocolate Storm

2. CH Rejan Chaos ShCM

3. CH Kiromol It's All About Me at Kikeba JW

4. CH Matabelle Masterpiece

5. Mwenga Hasani for Jengachenga

Veteran Dog

1. Kirafiki Runako Boyani

Minor Puppy Bitch - all absent

Puppy Bitch

1. Nurisha Emerald She's The One

2. Ballyriver Hot Caramel

3. Faahac Fayela

Junior Bitch

1. Gunthwaite One Cool Diamond

2. Makibos Kilimadscharo

3. Makibos Kilimanerika

4. Veldtkammer Hot News at Jengachenga

Yearling Bitch

1. Kamili Busara

2. Shingwidsi Tshelete Silk

3. Zougani Zhara

Novice Bitch - no entries

Post Graduate Bitch

1. Sonstraal The Devil's Waltz

2. Kamili Busara

Limit Bitch

1. Sonstraal She's a Devil Woman JW ShCM

2. Druimderg Dancin Wit Fire at Callmn

3. Jengachenga Bold as Brass for Imanje

4. Sonstraal Gabby Anny at Gabisa

5. Jimmans Twice Nightly

Open Bitch

1. CH Hespa Heloise JW ShCM

2. Jimanns Jiggy Jiggy

3. Sonstraal Gabby's Dream ShCM

4. IR/INT CH Rottzridge Walk the Walk

5. CH Stardust's Escada by Amila of Gabisa

Veteran Bitch

1. Kylini Ijscrystal

2. Jimanns Hashie Bashie

3. Sonstraal Miss Marple at Gabisa

4. Tsjakka Kari of Jengachenga

5. Lajeniens Rootin Tootin 

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