Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland
2015 Championship Show - Judge Mr Paul Singleton -Results
Minor Puppy Dog (2)
1. Chagall Akua
2. Rottzridge mad about the Boy (AI)
Puppy Dog (3,1)
1. Chagall Akua
2. Bovijo Blaze of Glory
Junior Dog (2)
1. Faahac Free n'easy
34. Azali Jamaa Azizi Tiberius (imp)
Yearling Dog (2,1)
1. Hespa Hermes JW
Novice Dog (1,1)
Post Grad Dog (2,1)
1. Kani Akilah Encame Hasani for Jengachenga (imp)
Limit Dog (4,1)
1. Sofala Grand Master
2. Gabisa Spotted Dick
3. Chilolo Shha Shoot for the Moon (imp)
Open Dog (5,2)
1. Ch Kelshanti Senator of Africaner JW ShCM
2. Eilack Kito Kijani JW ShCM
3. Msingi Tabula Rasa JW
Veteran Dog (3,1)
1. Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM
2. Nuthouse Manhatton
Minor Puppy bitch - (2)
1. Rottzridge Me and my Girl (AI)
2. Nuthouse Hot Stuff
Puppy Bitch - (2)
1. Nuthouse Hot Stuff
2. Bovijo Bed of Roses
Junior Bitch - (8,3)
1. Faahac Fancy Free
2. Jimanns Sadly Sober at Kondwani
3. Nehando's Red Queen at Jaloumi
4. Gunthwaite Dolly Diva at Bovijo
5. Gabisa Woo Woo at Zougani
Yearling bitch - (2,1)
1. Jimanns Sadly Sober at Kondwani
Novice bitch - no entries
Post Graduate bitch - (4)
1. Gabisa Wonder Woman
2. Kinabula Young Gifted an Red
3. Kelshanti Winnie Wannabe
4. Sharufa Dream Maker
Limit bitch - (9,3)
Nuthouse Never Say Never
2. Gabisa Wonder Woman
3. Ballyriver Hot Caramel for Fahari
4. Mwani Wanjeri of Dellared
5. Sharufa Shadowing James
Open bitch - (10,1)
1. Ch Kinabula Bin there Done that
2. Ch Gunthwaite's Cool Crazy Lady of Vandengan NL Jnr Ch
3. Gunthwaite Born to be Wicked at Jarhiba
4. Msingi Your Da One JW
5. Ch Makibos Kilmalemrika of Negasi. ShCM
Veteran bitch - (4)
1. Nuthouse Martini
2. Kelshanti Penda Zula
3. Ch Veldtkammer Red hot chick at jaloumi
4. Ch Zougani Zawadi ShCM

Judge's Critique
Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland held a Ch show where BIS was Ch Kinabula Bin There Done That; RBIS, Ch Gunthwaite’s Cool Crazy Lady of Vandengan; & BP, Rottzridge Me And My Girl.
It is both an honour & a privilege to be invited to judge a breed club Ch show. Thank you to the club for the opportunity & their hospitality & to the treasurer Edith Wallace for her assistance with transport to & from the airport. It was also good to have the comfort of old friends in Drew & Sue Littlejohn who I knew could be left to get on with the stewarding & leave me to get on with the job in hand.
Overall the males were a little disappointing & certainly did not have the depth of quality of the females. I was very pleased, however, with my winners.
In my interpretation of the breed Standard I am looking for substance tempered with agility & athleticism. I can imagine, through my own breeding experience that this is a difficult combination to achieve. Big heavy dogs & bitches who cannot display a degree of spring & lift on the move would find it hard to do the original job & therefore do not display ‘form fit for function’ in my opinion.
There were a couple of misplaced teeth which I faulted to a minor degree. One with evident off set crowns which I faulted a little more seriously.
Although feet in the majority were reasonable to good there is a problem with slack pasterns which certainly affects footfall in movement & is a weakness to be avoided where possible.
Certainly there needs to be some flexibility in pastern but lack of strength here would result in a quick breakdown. The correct exercise can help to improve poor feet & pasterns but breeding for these good points must surely take precedence.
MPD (2) 1 Chagall Akua, just 6 months & very much a baby. Soundly built & chunky as I think puppies should be. Decent head & expression though obviously needs to clear & mature here. Reasonable outline though I wouldn’t mind a touch more length as he appears a little compact at the moment. Decent front with good fill in, good ribbing, good bone & feet. Nicely balanced on the move though he could extend a little more. RBPIS. See he is sired by my DCC. Promising; 2 Rottzridge Mad About The Boy, at the moment very rangy. He has a better shape to his outline than the winner & consequently has a little more freedom on the move, however, his gawkiness showed in his less then positive footfall. He obviously has a lot of maturing to do, another promising puppy, just didn’t fill my eye to the same extent as the winner on the day. PD (3,1a) 1 C Akua; 2 Bovijo Blaze Of Glory, rangier but with a good overall shape. Good masculine head. Perhaps a shade wide in front. Balanced fore & aft. Topline needs to settle. Tailset a shade high & croup a shade short. JD (2) Difficult class as each has virtues I admire. 1 Faahac Free N’easy, good shape to outline. Really flowed through top & underlines. Good bone & feet. Strong masculine head with nice strength & depth to underjaw. Reasonable shoulder & upper arm. Moved out well with enough extension & drive; 2 Azali Jamaa Azizi Tiberius, really well presented young dog with a good outline. Attractive masculine head. Good through the front. He moved out fairly well even though he was very slightly restricted in hindquarter action compared to the winner. YD (2,1) 1 Hespa Hermes, good outline. Head is typical though a little strong for me. Good bone & correct feet. Good shoulder & upper arm. Good croup & tailset. Decent top & underlines. On the move really extended in front & sound in the hindquarters. Liked him a lot, would just have preferred a little more refinement in head. ND (1,1). PGD (2,1) 1 Kani Akilah Encame Hasani for Jengachenga, very good outline. Good balance all through. Head is typical if a shade broad in backskull. Good for depth & strength in muzzle. Can extend when allowed & showed flashes of the movement I was looking for. Just needs a shade more schooling to bring out the animation on the move. LD (4,1) 1 Sofala Grand Master, impressed with this one. Just the right shape & outline. Nicely built with refinement but enough substance. Decent head with good expression. Nice through the front with good bone & feet. Matching fore & hindquarter angles with strength to his moderate hindquarters. Needs to make more of himself on the move to take it to the next level; 2 Gabisa Spotted Dick, substantial & up to size. Full in ribbing. Masculine attractive head. Reasonable front & moved out reasonably well. Just a bit too much of him for me; 3 Chilolo Shha Shoot For The Moon. OD (5,2) 1 Ch Kelshanti Senator of Africaner, really impressive & the first who would fit the ‘outstanding’ requirement of a CC. Very good outline. Impressed on the stack. Good shoulder & upper arm with balanced angles fore & aft. Masculine & typical head. Soundly built & very good on the move. Liked him a lot. CC, BOS; 2 Eilack Kito Kijani, a slightly shorter coupled but equally attractive athletic & lithe individual. I liked him a lot for his balance & agility on the move. His stop is perhaps a shade deep & gives a slightly different expression. Nevertheless another who fulfils the ‘outstanding’ requirement. After judging I realised I have previously awarded him the RCC. I think he deserves to wear his crown. Good luck for the future. RCC; 3 Msingi Tabula Rasa. VD (3,1) 1 Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm, slightly longer in outline than I prefer. Decent head. Balanced angles. Dropping his underline a shade now. Moved out well if a little less positive than ideal in hindquarter; 2 Nuthouse Manhatton, shorter coupled dog who doesn’t possess the ribbing of the winner. A little short in upper arm. He carries plenty of muscle & moves reasonably.
MPB (2) 1 Rottzridge Me And My Girl, delightful chunky puppy with a decent outline. Feminine head. Nice width through the front. Carries herself well on the move. Very promising. BPIS; 2 Nuthouse Hot Stuff, rangier but still shows promise. She needs to come together which I’m sure she will given time. Feminine & shows some elegance. Can put it together on the move. PB (2) 1 N Hot Stuff; 2 Bovijo Bed Of Roses, 9 months but just too much substance for me at this stage. I’m afraid she didn’t stay long enough for a more detailed critique. JB (8,3) 1 Faahac Fancy Free, sister to the winner of JD. A really good combination of elegance, substance & athleticism took her to the top of this class. Lovely head & expression with femininity but no lack of strength. Good bone & feet. Good top & underlines. Absolutely footfall perfect on the move. At 15 months, time is on her side & I will not be surprised to see her winning CCs in the not too distant future; 2 Jimanns Sadly Sober at Kondwani, another lovely bitch who has a good head but doesn’t quite match the expression of the winner. Lovely for bone & substance. Really good on the move. Very typical & most promising; 3 Nehando’s Red Queen at Jaloumi. YB (2,1) 1 J Sadly Sober at K. NB (0). PGB (4) 1 Gabisa Wonder Woman, good in outline. Decent shape all through with attractive feminine head. Balanced angles. This bitch needs a little more work in my opinion. She has a good natural ability to show herself off, however, she loses her topline easily & pasterns & feet could be improved. Just needs to step it up a level when she could be so much better; 2 Kinabula Young Gifted And Red, typy bitch with a reasonable head. Feet could be improved. Moved out fairly well but a little choppy in the hindquarters; 3 Kelshanti Winnie Wannabe. LB (9,3) 1 Nuthouse Never Say Never, by far the best overall in the class for type, soundness & balance. Feminine head & expression. Good ribbing & reasonable front. Good top & underlines. Moderate hindquarters. Really made the most of herself on the move with a good precise footfall; 2 G Wonder Woman; 3 Ballyriver Hot Caramel for Fahari. OB (10,1) This class brought out the big guns & it turned out to be a tussle between the two on form bitches who eventually took the top honours. 1 Ch Kinabula Bin There Done That, judged this one very recently in a strong hound group at SWKA where she took G3. She is so good all through. Appealing head, strong neck. Moderate & balanced angulation throughout with no major faults. I thought today she more than stepped up to the mark & showed really good animated extension on the move with lovely propulsion from her hindquarters. To be critical she could strengthen in pastern. CC, BIS; 2 Ch Gunthwaite’s Cool Crazy Lady of Vandengan, instantly attractive beautiful bitch of excellent type. She shows much animation on the stack but can be a little over baited which shows up her pasterns/feet sporadically to her disadvantage. Really wouldn’t change her anywhere else. Moves out really well. Delighted to award her the RCC, RBIS against the male in strong contention; 3 Gunthwaite Born To Be Wicked at Jarhiba. VB (4) 1 Nuthouse Martini, good outline. Decent bone & feet. Her well balanced build enabled her to show exceptional movement. She really made the most of herself. BVIS; 2 Kelshanti Penda Zula, good outline if a shade on the heavy side. Very typical & moved well; 3 Ch Veldtkammer Red Hot Chick at Jaloumi.