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2017 Championship Show - Judge Marjon Franke (Musanga)

On November 5th I was invited to judge the Rhodesian Ridgeback Championship Clubshow. I had a nice entry of 90 Rhodesian Ridgebacks. The venue was lovely. Nice size of ring, plenty of room for dogs and visitors.

The quality dogs was at a high standard. The atmosphere was great. All very well behaving dogs. I started with 2 lovely puppy sisters. Nice angulated puppies with feminine heads and nice angulations and nice bone. I choose the best mover.

I loved the entry in the Veteran classes. My best veteran didn’t show his 10 yrs of age at all. My best classes where the Limit Bitch and the Open Class Bitch. Really a lot of qualty dogs, a very hard decision.

My Best of Breed and Best Opposite where 2 great representatives of the breed. Lots of type, elegant and great movers.

Thank you very much for having me as a judge for the Rhodesian Ridgeback of Scotland Championship show. It was a real honour. And it was even a bigger honour that so many nice dogs from all over the UK and beyond entered the show.

A special thanks to Edith Wallace, she made my job a lot easier.

Best regards,

Marjon Franke, Musanga Kennel - Hengelo, the Netherlands

Minor Puppy Dog

1st 91 Jimann's The Doctor - 6 Months. Very promising puppy, lovely male head with nice dark eyes. Excellent forechest, well filled up. Excellent angulated in front and rare. Nice underline for age. Nice strong bone, nice feet, excellent mover, correct ridge, nice temperament.

Puppy Dog

1st 53 - Jengachenga Den of Lions - 11 Months. Beautiful Male head with the right proportions and nice round eyes. Well angulated front and rear. Strong bone. Well developed for age. Correct ridge, slightly off set. Correct movement. Strong feet. Nice temperament. BPIS.

2nd 33 - Matsushona Fire Opal - 9 months Still a puppy needs to balance more. Lovely head well set ears pleasing eye. Well angulated behind. At this moment arched in the back. Nice feet. Well movement. Correct ridge, good temperament

Junior Dog

1st 65 - Saadani Show Off -13 months, Nice head for age, a bit lip. Well layed shoulder, needs more developing in the front. Well angulated behind. Nice feet, nice temperament. Correct ridge. Well movement.

2nd 35 - Saadani Show Man for Milukris - 13 months, Good head with lovely dark eyes, underjaw can be stronger. Nice front. Good angulations in front and rear. Nice underline. Still a puppy on the move, stepping. Correct ridge. Nice temperament

Post Graduate Dog

1st 23 - Kinabula's Taking Chances Almost two years, Nice male head with pleasing dark eyes, lovely neck and topline, good croup. Excellent angulated in front and rear. Excellent underline. Nice feet. Correct ridge, correct movement. Nice temperament

2nd 3 - Sonstraal Blood Red Baron of Saadani - Two years but doesn’t look his age. Needs to develop more. Lovely head. Nice forechest. Well angulated front and rear. Good ridge, good movement. Happy and lovely temperament. Feet could be more compact.

Limit Dog

1st 74 - Kitoko Wherever You Go Eiko JW - 2,5 years Elegant sound male with a lovely head with correct proportions, pleasing round eye. Nice neck – topline a bit steep croup. Good forechest Well angulated front and rear. Well laid shoulder. Good bone, correct ridge. Nice feet. Moves easy and correct in the ring with a lot of drive. Lovely temperament

2nd 77 - Elangeni Place Me At Jervisbay with Sofala (Imp) - 21 months Well balanced male. Needs a bit more maturing in the head. Excellent neck-topline. Lovely forechest. Well laid shoulder. Excellent angulations in front and rear. Good bone, correct ridge. Excellent correct movement, covering a lot of ground. Nice temperament.

Open Dog

1st 62 - DK/PL Ch Villagedogs O'Red October JNLK - 22 months Excellent in type. Well balanced. Nice male head with correct proportions. Good bone. Excellent topline from head to tail. Good forechest, well laid shoulder, excellent rib and underline. Excellent angulations front and rear. Moves with a lot of reach and drive, covering a lot of ground. Correct feet and ridge. Lovely temperament. DCC & BIS.

2nd 17 - Faahac Free N'Easy JW ShCM - 3 years. Well balanced and elegant. Beautiful male head. Beautiful round eyes with a lovely expression. Excellent neck-topline. Good croup. Well angulated in front and rear. Well laid shoulder. Well-muscled and in excellent condition. Correct compact feet, correct ridge. Correct movement. Very nice temperament. RDCC.

Veteran Dog

1st 1 - Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM - 10 years doesn’t look his age at all! Nice balanced outline. Lovely male head. Excellent neck-topline. Well angulated in front and rear. Well laid shoulder. Good croup, good ridge, nice compact feet. Excellent easy movement. Lovely temperament. BVIS.

2nd 75 - Ch Kiromol Kubwa Mno JW ShCM - 8,5 years Well balanced. Lovely male head with beautiful dark eyes with a lovely expression. Nice neck-topline. Well laid shoulder. Well angulated in front and rear. Good ridge. Nice compact feet. Nice underline. Excellent correct movement. Lovely temperament

Minor Puppy Bitch

1st 29 - Jimann's Shoot From the Hip - 6 Months, Very promising puppy, lovely feminine head with nice dark eyes and a lovely expression. Nice forechest, well filled up. Excellent angulated in front and rare. Nice underline for age. Nice strong bone, nice feet, excellent mover, correct ridge, nice temperament.

2nd 36 - Jimann's Getting Jiggy With It - 6 Months Very promising puppy, lovely feminine head with correct proportions. Nice forechest. Well angulated in front and rare Nice bone. Correct ridge. Feet could be more compact. Correct movement. Nice temperament

Puppy Bitch

1st 56 - Jengachenga Despicable Me - 11 Months. Elegant bitch. Beautiful feminine head with the right proportions and nice round eyes with a lovely expression. Well angulated front and rear. Nice topline Correct ridge. Correct movement, carries tail a bit high. Nice compact feet. Nice temperament.

Junior Bitch

1st 20 - Callmn's Hot Love - 13 Months. Elegant bitch Nice feminine head. Nice clean neck. Strong topline for age. A bit lacking in forechest. A bit loose in the elbow. Well angulated in front and rear. Correct ridge. Nice compact feet. Excellent free movement. Lovely temperament.

2nd 85 - Sweet Little Wallflower - 13 Months Well balanced for age. Nice feminine head. Nice clean neck. Good forechest. Well laid shoulder. Well angulated in front and rear. Topline is going a bit up at the moment. Correct ridge Nice compact feet. She doesn’t show her best movement, she can do better with this construction. Sweet temperament.

Yearling Bitch

1st 44 - Gabisa Shiant - 22 Months Well balanced. Lovely feminine head but I like the underjaw a bit stronger. nice clean neck. Excellent neck-topline. Strong topline also on the move. Excellent forechest. Well angulated front and rear. Excellent underline. correct ridge, correct feet. Excellent correct movement. Nice temperament.

2nd 37 - Sanbona A'Frican Soul Daaci at Suhuba (Imp Deu) - 18 Months Promising elegant bitch who looks a bit younger than her age. Nicely balanced. Lovely feminine head with correct proportions, nice strong muzzle. Nice neck-topline. Well angulated front and rear. correct ridge, compact feet. Moving well. Nice temperament.

Novice Bitch

1st 38 - Nuthouse Some Like it Hot - 12 Months Well developed for age. Correct feminine head well-proportioned with lovely dark eyes with a nice expression. Nice forechest. Topline ok for age. Excellent croup. well angulated in front and rear. Correct ridge and feet. Excellent movement with a lot of drive. Nice temperament.

2nd 44 see YB

Post Graduate Bitch

1st 46 - Gabisa Margarita - 3 years, Well balanced. Nice feminine head with pleasing dark eyes. Like to see a bit more typical ear carriage. Lovely neck and topline, good croup. Well angulated in front and rear. Nice filled up forechest. Excellent underline. Nice feet. Correct ridge, Excellent correct movement. Nice temperament. RBCC.

2nd 40 - Nuthouse Hot Stuff - 2,5 years Nice in type, Lovely feminine head with correct proportions. Lovely dark round eyes. Beautiful long neck. Topline can be stronger. Well angulated in front and rear. Good forechest. Nice compact feet. Good ridge. Nice underline. Moves easy with a lot of drive. Lovely temperament.

Limit Bitch

1st 45 - Ballyriver Hot Caramel for Fahari - 7 years Elegant sound bitch with a lovely head with correct proportions, pleasing round eye. Nice neck – topline. Good forechest Well angulated front and rear. Well laid shoulder. Nice underline. Good bone, correct ridge. Nice feet. Moves easy and correct in the ring with a lot of drive. Lovely temperament. BCC & RBIS.

2nd 39 - Nuthouse Romance - 5 years Well balanced bitch. Lovely feminine head with correct proportions and beautiful round eyes. Excellent neck-topline. Lovely forechest. Well laid shoulder. Excellent angulations in front and rear. Good bone, correct ridge. Excellent correct movement, covering a lot of ground. Nice temperament.

Open Bitch

1st 45 - Ballyriver Hot Caramel for Fahari -See LB

2nd 59 - Kamili Coat of Many Colours - 5 years. Strong well balanced and elegant. Beautiful feminie head. Beautiful dark round eyes with a lovely expression. Excellent neck-topline. Good croup. Well angulated in front and rear. Well laid shoulder. Nice filled up forechest. Well-muscled and in a good condition. Strong bone. Correct compact feet, correct ridge. Excellent movement. Nice temperament.

Veteran Bitch

1st 42 - Nuthouse Martini - 9 years Still in a nice well-muscled condition Well balanced. Lovely feminine head. Good neck-topline. Well angulated in front and rear. Well laid shoulder. Good croup, good ridge, nice compact feet. Excellent easy movement covering a lot of ground. Lovely temperament.

2nd 89 - Ch Kelshanti Jamila Urbi 7 years Well balanced. Nice feminine head with beautiful dark eyes with a lovely expression. Shows some lip. Nice neck-topline. Well laid shoulder. Well angulated in front and rear. Good ridge. Nice compact feet. Nice underline. Nice movement. Lovely temperament

Best in Show

Reserve Best in Show

Best Puppy in Show

Best Veteran in Show

More photos from the show can be found on our Facebook page under 'Albums' 

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