Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland
2018 Championship Show - Sunday 4th November

BIS & BCC – Carlincox First Class JW (Pictured above left)
RBIS & DCC – Ch Hespa Henry Higgins JW (Pictured above right)
BPIS – Rocksham Bomani’s Quarter (Pictured below left)
BVIS & RBCC -Ch Shingwidsi Tshelete Silk (Pictured below right)
RDCC – Diamondridge Legend at Lobengula
RBPIS - Callmn’s Special Fool
RBVIS – Zougani Zuri ShCM

Full Results
Minor Puppy Dog (4,1)
1. Rocksham Bomani’s Quarter
2. Sharula Cameo Big Jake at Callmn
3. Rocksham Knight of Glastery
Puppy Dog (3)
1. Buhera Mr Romeo Under Unzezi
2. Villagedogs Rise of Phoenix at Saadani (Imp Bel)
3. Ozubi’s Pilgrim at Kondwani
Junior Dog (3)
1. Diamondridge Legend at Lobengula
2. Nehando’s Czar’s Star
3. Dellared Natural Mystic
Yearling Dog (2)
1. Dellared Satisfy My Soul
2. Matsushona Fire Opal of Cynami
Novice Dog (3)
1. Rocksham Knight of Glastery
2. Gabisa Harris
3. Nuthouse Hector Gonzales
Post Graduate Dog – 0 entries
Limit Dog (11,2)
1. Azali Jamaa Azizi Tiberius (Imp Deu) ShCM
2. Flying First Class Quandoya with Kinabula (Imp CRZ)
3. Chagall Akua
4. Jimann’s The Doctor
5. Nehando’s Excalibur
Open Dog (12,1)
1. Ch Hespa Henry Higgins JW
2. Ch/PL/DK/ CH Villagedogs O’Red October (ATC AS01235BEL)
3. Ch Kinabula’s Taking Chances
4. Ch Gens Julia Toretto Always the First at Carlincox (Imp Rus) JW
5. Callmn’s Special Look
Veteran Dog (4,2)
1. Zougani Zuri ShCM
2. Sonstraal Dream On
Minor Puppy Bitch (5,2)
1. Callmn’s Special Fool
2. Hunterpride Dare to Dream
3. Buhera Who Loves Ya Baby
Puppy Bitch (2)
1. Nuthouse Queen of Clubs
2. Leeurif Jukeba Mshangao Tatu at Suhuba (Imp GRC)
Junior Bitch (5,2)
1. Priorpark Pipsqueak
2. Maanhaar Primo-Creatus Henrietta for Rubiltra (Imp UKR)
3. Negasi Celebrian
Yearling Bitch (7,2)
1. Maanhaar Primo-Creatus Henrietta for Rubiltra (Imp UKR)
2. Priorpark Pipsicle
3. Kinabula’s All About The Bass
4. Kiromol Kizan of Janak
5. Jengachenga Dispicable Me
Novice Bitch (2)
1. Janak Dronning Maud
2. Nuthouse Queen of Clubs
Post Graduate Bitch (7,1))
1. Diamondridge Dream Catch Me JW
2. Jimann’s Shoot from the Hip
3. Bovijo bed of Roses
4. Janak Dronning Maud
5. Nuthouse Some Like It Hot
Limit Bitch (11,2)
1. Walamadengie Coco Chanelle HR/MNE JR CH
2. Kansenji Noor
3. Gabisa Margarita
4. Jimanns Getting Jiggy with It
5. Gabisa Woo Woo at Zougani JW ShCM
Open Bitch (18,3)
1. Carlincox First Class JW
2. Colkeririn Face to the Sun JW ShCM
3. Ch Shingwidsi Tshadi Rose
4. Kinabula Young Gifted An Red
5. Villagedogs On Dark Side of The Moon (ATCAP00714BEL)
Veteran Bitch (5,2)
1. Ch Shingwidsi Tshelete Silk
2. Ch Makibos Kilimalemrika of Negasi ShCM
3. W/D
Judges Report - :
A surprise invitation to judge here. The entry was above average which I was most grateful for and is a testament to Ridgeback exhibitors, many who had travelled long distances to get to Lanark. It was satisfying to have every class being applauded on completion of judging. This is the third time that I have awarded CC's in the UK and I have also judged the breed abroad on three occasions and I can put my hand on my heart and honestly say for me the Open Bitch class here today in "Lanark" was the best class of RR that I have had the privilege to judge. I am sure places will change on another day; some quality exhibits simply had to go cardless! On the whole I found temperaments to be good despite one or two individuals being a little reluctant to comply; heads did however vary throughout this entry but all ridges and crowns on the whole were excellent. Indeed many decisions were splitting hairs so again thank you all for your support. Whilst some exhibits looked impressive on the stack several toed in front and single tracked going away, not desirable at all.
MPD (4,1a) 1 Patterson, Rocksham Bomani's Quarter. Quality youngster throughout with correct overall proportions. Good balance in head with plenty in foreface. Kind in eye which gives off a pleasing expression, all finished off with neat well placed ears. Correct in neck with a good front assembly. Body outline is good with correct top line and underline. He stands on good bone with well-padded feet. Tail set is good with a well angulated rear. Ridge has good length with clear crowns. He is eye catching on the stack and once allowed to stride out he got even better holding his outline on the go around to good advantage. Once his ring confidence comes into play this young exhibit should have a bright future. Pleased to award him today BPD and eventually Best Puppy in Show. 2 Clark-Maclean, Sharula Cameo Big Jake at Callmn. Close up to the winner for overall breed type. Good proportions in head with a keen eye giving off a pleasing expression. Shapley in overall body proportions with good length in ridge and clear crowns. Bone and feet are good, just not the body development of the winner at this stage but time will correct this; on the move he displayed free flowing strides. 3rd Ross & Bulgin, Rocksham Knight of Glastery, completing a trio of promising youngsters.
PD (3) 1 Spratling, Buhera Mr Romeo Under Unzezi. Smart individual of good merit throughout. Good proportions in head with kind eye giving off a pleasing expression with neat well placed ears. Neck flows into a well-constructed front assembly with plenty in rib. Good in loin, croup and tail set. Ridge has good length with well- defined crowns He stands on good bone with well-padded feet. On the out and back he displayed accurate foot falls whilst holding his outline on the go around. Presented in good order. 2 Aitken, Muir, Rossiter, McGoldrick, Villagedogs Rise of Aloenix at Saadani (Imp Bel). An imposing individual of ample proportions. Masculine all through. Head proportions are good but I would have preferred a little less wrinkle. Strong in neck with a decent front assembly. Plenty in rib with a strong loin. Ridge had good length with clear crowns. Bone and feet are good. Croup and tail set is correct. Once settled moved out soundly. 3 Mulligan, Ozubi's Pilgrim at Konowani.
JD (3) 1 Salmon & House, Diamondridge Leganed at Lobengula. So much to admire about this young exhibit who is easy on the eye. Quality in head which has correct proportions with good strength in foreface. Kind in eye which gives off a pleasing expression all finished off with neat well placed ears. His neck has good length which flows into a clean well laid shoulder with ample fore chest. At this stage in profile he displays the correct body proportions with plenty in rib with a firm loin. He stands on quality bone with neat compact feet. His ridge has good length with clear crowns. On the move he displayed a typical free flowing stride on the go around whilst displaying positive rear drive and parallel front extension on the return. Presentation was excellent. Whilst I was mindful of his age in the line-up I felt that he could not be denied the RCC today. One for the note book with a bright future ahead of him! 2 Bennie, Nehando's Czar Star. Only 7 months old and in this class due to a clerical error so was giving a lot away in maturity! Masculine all through with plenty to admire. Correct proportions in head with a good eye and expression. Plenty in neck with a clean front assembly. Body proportions are correct with good length in ridge with well-defined crowns. Bone and feet are ample. Once he collected himself he moved out ok. 3 Murrey, Dellared Natural Mystic. Head qualities are correct with a good neck and fore quarters. He stands on excellent bone with good feet. General outline is correct just needs to come together on the move.
YD (2) 1 Murray, Dellared Satisfy My Soul. Litter brother to "Mystic" from previous class. Masculine exhibit all through. Correct proportions in head with a good eye and expression. Plenty in neck with forward development in fore chest. Plenty in rib with good length in loin. Correct in ridge with clear crowns. He stands on quality bone with compact feet. Overall picture gives off good balance, still has time to fill his frame. Once on the move he displayed a pleasing profile. 2 Hall, Matsushona Fire Opel of Cynami. A fair exhibit throughout. Masculine in head which has correct balance. Neck and fore quarters ok. Plenty in rib with a firm loin. Ridge and crowns adequate; just not the angles in his rear as the winner.
ND (3) Difficult class to assess! 1 Ross & Bulgin, Rocksham Knight of Glastery. This young exhibit was third in the M/P class whilst giving away a lot in age to the other exhibits, in this class his overall breed type brought him out on top here. Correct proportions in head with a good eye and expression. Shapley in overall outline with sufficient bone with good feet. His ridge has good length with clear crowns. On the move, once he put his best foot forward, he displayed an easy free flowing action. 2 Hutchenson & Ogilvie, Gabisa Harris. Overall balance is good with some good breed points. Does however need to gain more ring confidence. 3 McRusty & Dolan, Nuthouse Hector Gonrales. No denying he is a RR but another that would benefit for ring craft lessons!
LD (11) Plenty to admire in this class places will change! 1 McKinlay, Azaki Jamaa Azizi Tiberious (Imp Den) Imposing individual of good merit. Head proportions acceptable with a good eye and expression. Powerful in neck which flows into a well laid shoulder. Plenty of development in fore chest. Top line is good which leads to a firm loin. His ridge has good length with clear defined crowns. Liked his overall balance on the stack. His bone has good strength with neat compact feet. Presented in excellent order. On the move he was free and active whilst holding a pleasing outline on the go around. Another for the note book! 2 Farleigh, Flying First Class Qwandoya with Kinabula (imp Crz). Plenty to admire about this one. Masculine head proportions with correct balance. Kind in eye which gives off a pleasing expression. Powerful in neck with a clean front assembly. Plenty in fore chest with good ribbing. Correct in loin with good croup and tail set. Front and rear angles balance up to give off a pleasing outline on the stack. Bone is strong but would have preferred tighter feet. Did however move out with true free flowing action and was well presented. 3 Brown & McIntosh, Chagall Akua. Completing a trio to quality exhibits. No disgrace here!
OD (12) A pleasure to judge this class, places will change on another day! 1 Craven & Mackfall, Ch Hespa Henry Higgins JW. An imposing individual of good overall merit. Arrogant in outlook and so pleasing to go over. Scores with his correct proportions in head with good strength in fore face. Pleasing in eye and expression. Powerful in neck which flows into a clean front assembly with a well filled fore chest. Excellent in rib with a firm top line which leads to a strong loin. His ridge has good length with clear crowns. He stands on quality bone with neat compact feet. He is eye catching on the go around and is so true on the out and back. Presented in "A1" condition and handled sympathetically to gain maximum output. Delighted to award him the CC today. 2 McGoldrick, Ch Pl, DK Ch Villagedogs O'Red October. No denying that this exhibit is of good merit throughout. Head proportions are correct but personally I would have preferred less wrinkle on forehead but his eye and expression is good. Powerful in neck with a good fore chest. Plenty in rib with a good top line which leads to a firm loin. Ridge and crowns excellent. He stands on strong bone with good feet. It was his free flowing strides and parallel movement that was eye catching. Presented in excellent order. 3 Farleigh Ch Kinabula's Taking Chances. Plenty to admire all through on this exhibit and is a worthy "Ch". Head proportions are correct with a good eye and expression. Powerful in neck with a clean front assembly. Overall picture is of correct balance. Bone and feet are correct with good ridge and crowns. Moved out with purpose and was presented in good order. No disgrace here. Three quality exhibits!
VD (4) 1 Mulligan, Zougani Zuri. A very honest individual who is 9 years old but still can hold his own in any company. Correct proportions in head with a good eye and expression. Powerful in neck with a clean shoulder. Excellent in rib with still a firm loin. Good ridge and crowns and he stands on quality bone with compact feet. He moved out with true purpose holding a classic outline on the go around. I do hope the final jewel arrives soon to complete his "crown". 2 Geeves, Sonstraal Dream On. Ok for overall breed type. Head, eye and expression good. Correct balance in body with good bone and feet. Moved out ok on the out and back but tail carriage detracted from his profile movement.
MPB (5) Two quality exhibits with much promise. 1 Clark-Maclean, Callums Special Fool. Pleasing for overall breed type. Feminine in head which has correct balance with a kind eye giving off a pleasing expression. Shapely in overall body outline with correct bone and feet. Ridge and crowns are good. Once she settled she displayed an easy free flowing side gate; just needs to gain a little more ring confidence then should so on to bigger things. Pleased to award her BPB today. 2 Gilpin, Hunterptride Dare to Dream. Another quality exhibit with all the attributes of the winner. Good in head, eye and expression. Body proportions are well balanced with correct bone and feet. Obviously at this early stage she needs to come together on the move; in time this will correct itself. 3 Kerr, Buhera Who Loves Ya Baby.
PB (2) 1 Hicks, Nuthouse Queen of Clubs. Youngster with promise. Scores in head, eye and expression. Plenty in neck with a clean front assembly. Ribbing is ok with a good top line with a good loin. She stands on good bone with neat feet. Held her outline on the go around and did enough to win this class. 2nd Henshall, leeurif Jukeba Mishangao Tatu at Suhuba (imp Grc). Slightly different for type but has a well- proportioned head with good eye and expression. Plenty in neck with good body proportions. Good ridge and crowns. Bone has good strength whilst she moved away ok, she did pin in front on the return.
JB (5) Good class, places will change!1 Parsons, Priorpark Pipsqueak. A quality exhibit when viewed from any angle. She has type and quality all through. So correct in head which has good balance with plenty in fore face. Excellent eye and expression. Good length in neck which flows into a well laid shoulder. Excellent ridge and crowns. Loin is firm which leads to a good croup and tail set. She stands on quality bone with excellent feet. On the move she gave off such a pleasing picture on the go around and was parallel on the out and back. Presentation was one hundred percent. At one point I considered her for a higher award. Just felt that she needs just a little more maturity to compete the picture. In time this will happen. Surely destined for the upper house! 2 Doughty, Maanhaar Primo-Creatus Henrietta for Rubiltra (Imp Ukr). Close up to the winner on many breed points. Feminine proportions in head with a good eye and expression. Reachy in neck with a clean front assembly. Good ridge and crowns which correct croup and tail set. She stands on good bone with neat compact feet. She was steady on the out and back whilst holding a pleasing outline on the go around. Presented in good order. 3 Shaw, Megasi Celebrian. Nothing to dislike on this exhibit, just not a forward in development on the first two but time will correct this. Another that moved soundly!
YB (7) 1 Doughty, Maanhaar Primo-Creatus Henrietta for Rubiltra (Imp Ukr) 2 Parsons, Priorpark Pipsicle. Litter sister to the junior winner and she has many of the same attributes. Quality in head, eye and expression. Good length in neck leading to a clean front assembly. Good body proportions with correct ridge and crowns. She stands on good bone with compact feet. Just felt that she would have benefitted from a little firmer handling to extract more effort; especially on the move, but with more practice this should correct itself. 3 Scanlon Kinabula's All About the Bass completing a trio of quality exhibits.
NB (2) No details of owners name in the catalogue due to this exhibitors late entry I assume? 1 Janak Drowning Maud, A mature exhibit of good proportions. Good balance in head with a keen eye and gentle expression. Powerful in neck with good ribbing. Ridge and crowns ok. Excellent bone and feet. Once the exhibitor gain confidence, this then filtered to her exhibit allowing her to show a free flowing stride whilst holding a true outline on the go around. Good luck! 2 Hicks, Nuthouse Queen of Clubs. Whilst this young lady won the P/B class this was an unusual scenario; she was only beaten by a much more mature exhibit!
PGB (7) 1 Barnes & House, Diamondridge Dream Catch Me JW. Quality exhibit throughout, with excellent proportions combining femininity with substance. Scores in head, eye and expression. Plenty in neck, which flows into a well laid shoulder. Correct top line which leads to a firm loin. Ridge has good length with well-defined crowns. She stands on good bone with neat compact feet. Her overall body outline is pleasing. She put her best foot forward on the out and back whilst holding a true outline on the go around displaying eye catching reach and drive. With normal luck should reach the top. 2 Gomes, Jimanns Shoot from the Hip. Another quality exhibit, with plenty to admire throughout. Feminine in head which has correct proportions with a kind eye and gentle expression. Plenty in neck with good body proportions. Plenty in rib with a firm top line. Good length in ridge with clear crowns. She stands on good bone with neat feet. Moved out in profile with free flowing strides. 3 Willunat, Bovlio Bed of Roses completing a trio of quality exhibits.
LB (11) Good class, places will change! 1 Cunningham, Walamadengie Coco Chanelle (Hr/Mne Jr Ch). Smart individual of good merit. Feminine well-proportioned head with good strength in fore face. Kind in eye giving off a pleasing expression all finished off with neat well placed ears. Good strength in neck which flows into a clean front assembly with a well filled fore chest. Excellent in top line with good ridge and crowns; and she is firm in loin. Overall profile on stack is pleasing and she stands on good bone with neat compact feet. On the move she displayed a free flowing stride on the go around and was accurate on the out and back. Presented in good order Will have her day I'm sure! 2 Alexander, Kansenji Noor. Close up to the winner in many aspects. Feminine in head, which has correct balance. Kind in eye with a gentle expression. Plenty in neck flowing into a well laid shoulder. Good development in fore chest, excellent in rib with good ridge and crowns. She is firm in loin and stands on quality bone with neat compact feet. Again another exhibit that showed correct parallel each and drive whilst holding a pleasing outline on the go around. Presented in good order. 3 Hutcheson & Ogilvie, Gabisa Margarita. No denying that this exhibit has quality throughout and is pleasing to go over. Scores in head, eye and expression. Overall body proportions are good with a good ridge and crowns. She stands on quality bone with correct feet. Unfortunately whilst moving away she tended to verge on single tracking but did have a pleasing outline on the go around and was well presented.
OB (17) What a class, outstanding quality throughout. Many had to go cardless. Hand on heart I can honestly say having judged this breed now three times in the UK and three times abroad here today in "Lanark" this was the Best class of Rhodesian Ridgebacks that I have ever judged! So do not be disappointed if you were one of those who went cardless!! 1 Cox, Carlincox First Class JW. Clever name and she surely is! Quality all through with excellent breed type and substance. Scores with her well-proportioned head with strength in fore face. Super in eye and expression all topped off with neat well placed ears. Plenty of length in neck which flows into a well-constructed front assembly with good development in fore chest. Her top line and under line is spot on with a firm loin. Excellent ridge with clear crowns. She stands on quality bone with neat compact feet. On the move she displayed parallel rear drive with good extension up front. On the go around she held a free flowing stride which was so pleasing on the eye. This was the deciding factor that lifted her up from the rest. Presentation was one hundred percent. Pleased to award her the CC today and in the run of for BoB. Despite a last minute change of handler her performance was flawless so claimed BoB. Pleased to hear that now she can claim the title of "Champion" congratulations. 2 Hodge, Colkeririn Face to the Sun JW. Quality exhibit with plenty to admire. Scores with her truly feminine head which has good balance. Kind in eye with a gentle expression with neat well placed ears. Reachy in neck which flows into a well laid shoulder. Overall body proportions are good with a firm loin. Ridge and crown are good. Bone adequate with good feet. She responds to her handlers request with one hundred percent commitment. On the go around she holds a pleasing eye catching outline and is parallel on the return. Personally I would have preferred her to have a little more width whilst going away, nevertheless with normal luck I'm sure this exhibit will wear her crown in due course! No disgrace here! 3 Kirby & Mansfield, Ch Shingwidsi Tshadi Rose. All quality exhibit with true breed type throughout. Nothing to dislike, a very worthy "Ch" indeed completing a trio of excellent feminine ridgebacks, and on another day places will change!
VB (5) Two very worthy "Ch"'s. 1 Kirby & Mansfield, Ch Shingwidsi Tshelfie Silk. So much quality about this exhibit with plenty to admire all through. Correct proportions in head which is feminine with a kind eye and expression. All finished off with neat well placed ears. Neck just flows into a clean well shoulder with plenty in rib with a firm loin. Top line is sound with good ridge and crowns with a good underline. Liked her overall body outline on the stack, whilst she stood on correct bone with neat compact feet, its whilst she was on the move that she came into the reckoning for a major award, displaying such easy reach and drive on the go around; and accurate foot falls on the out and back. Presentation was first class and well handled. Finally could not deny her the RCC today and eventually Best Veteran in Show. Would not be surprised to see her continue being up there with the rest! 2 Shaw, Ch Makibos Kilimalemrika of Negasi. Plenty to admire about this exhibit and scores in many department. Feminine proportions throughout with correct overall outline, just not as clean over the shoulder as the winner, however a worthy "Ch" indeed and still covers the ground with ease. Presented in good order.
Martin Sanders