Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland
Junior Warrant
This page is dedicated to dogs resident in Scotland who have gained their Junior Warrant title.
A Junior Warrant is awarded in the UK to dogs who have gained 25 points at Open and Championship shows between the age of 6 and 18 months old. Junior Warrant holders are awarded their Stud Book numbers. The title must be applied for and the form can be downloaded from The Kennel Club website, or click here for a link.
We welcome new additions to this page so please send us a photo and details of the dog to rrcs@live.co.uk
Fern - CH Mangwe Messina JW
Fern was bred by Mr & Mrs Baldwin of the Mangwe Kennel and owned by Sharon Rossiter and Anthea Fox of the Sonstraal Kennel.
(Ulundi Ushumba of Eilack x Mangwe Oyera)

Fern was the first RR to be awarded the Junior Warrant title in the UK
Dolly - CH Gunthwaite Corrina of Sonstraal JW

Dolly was bred by Mrs Bates of the Gunthwaite Kennel and owned by Mr Millar. She was campaigned and handled by Sharon Rossiter of the Sonstraal Kennel.
(Burncote Baron x Gunthwaite Annalova)
Dolly was the first liver nosed Ridgeback to become a UK Champion and achieve the Junior Warrant title
Dodge - CH Kiromol Kantigi of Kikeba JW ShCM
Dodge was bred by Liz & Paul Storey of the Kiromol Kennel and is owned by Alison and Scott Muir of Kikeba.
(Musanga Sanga Mukana at Nyassa (Imp) x IR CH Kiromol Kianga)

Teddy - CH Sonstraal Gabe's Prospect at Sescheke JW ShCM

Teddy was bred by Sharon Rossiter and Anthea Fox of the Sonstraal Kennel and is owned by them in Partnership with Nicolas Boyd of the Sescheke Kennel.
(CH/Aust CH Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp) x CH Rex Ventors Gabriza (Imp))
Harriet - Sonstraal She's a Devil Woman JW
Harriet was bred by Sharon Rossiter and Anthea Fox of the Sonstraal Kennel, and is owned by Sharon Rossiter & Mary Pratt in Partnership.
(CH Sonstraal Gabe's Prospect at Sescheke JW ShCM x Sonstraal Miss Marple of Gabisa)

Sifa - Jengachenga Bold as Brass for Imanje JW

Sifa was bred by Kate and Gavin Lowson and is owned by Avril Young and David Brien.
(CH Flametrees Kyper of Godolphin x Tsjakka Kari of Jengachenga)
Photo with thanks to Lena Piehl
Arkle - Kiromol It's All About Me at Kikeba JW
Arkle is owned by Alison & Scott Muir, and was bred by Liz & Paul Storey & Lena Piehl.
(BIS, MBISS, MJCH UK NED & BEL CH Villagedogs Hot Topic x Kiromol Kinuka)
Photo by Trafford

Sookie - Sonstraal Dream the Dream at Saadani JW

Sookie is owned by Lisa Aitken and Russell Mosedale and was bred by Sharon Rossiter & Anthea Fox
(CH Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM x Sonstraal Gabby's Dream ShCM)