Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland
Membership - Join our Club
Membership is due on the 1st January each year and must be paid before the AGM for continuous membership and to permit a vote at the AGM.
We are pleased to now be able to accept PayPal, our preference is for you to select the FRIENDS/FAMILY option if possible as otherwise we are charged a fee and being a not for profit this eats into our funds. You can log into PayPal and send money to our email address rrcs@live.co.uk to select the Friends/family option which will only charge you the amount you send us, and we won't be charged a fee in that instance. You can also send payment to our link: @rrcs2020
Single membership is £8 and Joint is £12 if sending by Friends/Family on PayPal or cheque, standing order etc.
New members are always welcome, if it's your first time with us please complete and send a membership form to us, this can be emailed or posted to the address on the form.
We warmly welcome new members who have an interest in the Rhodesian Ridgeback. Our primary focus are current and prospective owners in Scotland, but we welcome members from across the UK and Worldwide.
We always encourage our membership to get involved and submit suggestions as to what you'd like to see from your club, so please get in touch!
Membership benefits -
Meet up with like minded owners at our club events;
Spring Walk
Autumn Walk
Open Show
Championship Show
Club Newsletter - emailed to you twice per year to keep you up to date with topical issues and planned events
Advice, support and help from knowledgeable RR owners
RR Health Advisor
Puppy Advisor
RRCS Exclusive Members Facebook Page
Educational seminars organised in accordance with demand
Members' discounts on show entry fees
Membership rates from 1st January each year;
Single - £8
Joint - £12
Junior (up to age 17) - FREE
You may need to download Adobe Reader to view the form.
Once your new member application has been processed and approved by the committee you will receive the current version of the newsletter, with details of upcoming events to welcome you to the club! We will look forward to seeing you at our events!
Membership is due on 1st January each year, providing your details have not changed we do not need a completed form - instead please send payment to Claire Muir, Membership Secretary and use your name(s) as reference:
Mrs Claire Muir
17 Willow Brae
West Lothian
EH47 9HE
TEL: 07538 228 113
Email: rrcs@live.co.uk
Cheques should be made payable to: Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland
PayPal payments can be sent to: rrcs@live.co.uk - please select Friends/Family option
If you wish to set up a Standing Order at anytime, or pay by BACS please download a membership form - details on there.
Please ensure we have your correct email address as it allows us to keep in touch while keeping costs down.