Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland
Open Show April 2009
Best In Show – Nyassa Caluua of Kitoko
Reserve Best In Show – Ch Chilolo CJ Someday Sam
Best Puppy In Show – Nyassa Everlasting Love
Best Veteran In Show – Skypinda Kenmillone Ladysmith
Reserve Best Dog – Jengachenga Akili
Reserve Best Bitch – Sonstraal Gabby’s Dream
Reserve Best Veteran – Zougani Ziba
Junior Dog
1) Lennie & Temporal’s Jengachenga Akili, lovely shape and overall balance. Typical masculine head. Nicely shaped in front and good depth of chest for age. Nice clean neck into strong topline with good tailset. Nice width of thigh. Excellent ground covering sidegait. Needs to stabilize in front. Very promising youngster.(RBD)
2) Young & Brien’s Jengachenga Atsama, similar to my 1st although not quite as elegant. Lovely overall shape. Strong topline, good depth in body and nice wide thighs. Lovely side gait. Needs to be firmer in front action. Promising boy.
Post graduate Dog
1) Aitken & Reid’s Sonstraal Chocolate Storm, elegant and eye catching outline. Very pleasant head with good proportions and nice depth of muzzle. Nicely filled in front and good depth of chest for age. Superb topline with good tailset. Easy flowing mover with long and impressive stride. Carries neck and tail beautifully on the move, creating a very appealing balance in movement. Promising boy.
2) Lennox & Cochrane’s Walamadengie Ambassador, very nice frame on this dog although for my personal preference I would like to see a little more of everything. Nice layback of shoulder, strong topline and good width of thigh. Nice color and feet. Moves well.
Limit Dog
1) Lowson’s Mwenga Hasani for Jengachenga, close to ideal outline but would prefer a little more of him for a more masculine impression. Nice proportions in head, elegant neck, nice layback of shoulder with good length of upper arm. Nice depth of chest. Ideal croup and tailset with nice width of thigh. Very effortless mover. Handled to perfection.
2) McKinlay’s Sonstraal Christmas Cracker, typical masculine head. Nice overall shape. Strong topline, nice depth of chest. Would prefer more angle in front and a little more width of thigh. Lovely colour.
Open Dog
1) Rossiter & Fox’s Ch Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp), excellent shape of dog, combining elegance and substance. In his prime. Lovely head. Lovely lay back of shoulder and fill of front. Nice depth and length of chest. Well angulated in rear. Effortless side gait with nice positioning of neck and good tail carriage. Very pleasing boy to look at. (BD & RBIS)
2) Smith’s Ch Everglaces Magic Maestro at Lilongwe (Imp), masculine and powerful male. Excellent masculine head with beautiful expression. Good bone. Very solid and sound in body with superb topline. Impressive ribbing. Moves with effortless stride when he chooses to.
Veteran bitch
1) Evans’ Skypinda Kenmillone Ladysmith, very pleasant and feminine bitch. Nicely balanced, lovely layback of shoulder and fill of front. I love her depth and volume of chest. Nice width in thigh. Effortless mover who extends well. Carries her year very well. (BV)
2) Nelson’s Zougani Ziba, powerful bitch with excellent balance. Lots of substance. Nice depth of chest good width of thigh. Nice mover although on this day my class winner moved more freely. Stacked to perfection. (RBV)
Puppy Bitch
1) Campbell’s Nyassa Everlasting Love, beautifully balanced, super feminine puppy with gorgeous outline. Lovely head with pretty expression and beautiful dark eyes. Superb layback of shoulder. Elegant neck into strong level topline with ideal croup and tailset. Well angulated in rear. Has loads of everything and still needs to grow into her angles on the move. Very promising!(BPIS)
2) Rossiter & Pratt’s Sonstraal She’s a Devil Woman, very balanced bitch with extremely strong topline. Nicely shaped head. Long upper arm. Will get a little more substance and depth of body as she matures. Very nice croup and width of thigh. Nice side gait.
Junior Bitch
1) Lawless’ Faahac Farenya, very mature for her age of 13 months. Nice shape although I personally would prefer slightly more elegance and length of body. Quite substantial. Nice layback of shoulder. Good depth of chest but would prefer less tuck up. Strong topline, nice croup and tailset. Good width of thigh. Nice side gait and sound coming and going. Considerably more balanced in front action than my 2nd placer who otherwise gave the winner a good run for her money. (BJun)
2) Lowson’s Jengachenga Angara, I love the outline of this girl. Lovely head plains, beautiful feminine expression. Gorgeous neck into well laid back shoulder. Strong topline with superb croup and tailset. Nice strong hindquarters. Very loose in front in movement, which cost her the win of this class. Elegant overall and has an effortless, ground covering sidegait.
Post graduate Bitch
1) Wallace’s Sonstraal Gabby’s Dream, very balanced bitch combining elegance and strength. Very typical headpiece with good proportions and feminine expression. Elegant neck into strong topline. Very capatious chest with good depth and length. Good croup and tailset. Nice width of thigh. Effortless stride. Excellent breed type and a top quality representative for the breed.(RBB & BPG)
2) Lawless’ Faahac Farenya, again, very typical and beautiful bitch with loads of qualities. Just needing a little more length and elegance for my personal preference.
Limit Bitch
1) Boyd, Mosedale & Fox’s Sonstraal Chocolate Drop, young girl with very nice frame. Nice shape of head, good depth and length of ribbing. Super topline into nice croup. Nice width of thigh. Very effortless mover. Promising! Took 1st over a top quality bitch on account of overall balance and showy attitude.(BLim)
2) Rossiter & Fox’s Sonstraal Miss Marple of Gabisa, gorgeous frame, very balanced. Superb length of body. Well laid shoulder. Impressive length and depth of ribbing. Long body, which I like, but at the age of seven the topline isn’t as firm as it probably has been. Strong hindquarters. Elegant and substantial. Long effortless stride. Very impressive condition for seven. Apart from the softer topline she could easily pass for a young girl. Would have been my class winner if she had stacked in the class like she did for write up.
Open Bitch
1) Nix’s Nyassa Caluua of Kitoko, elegant bitch of appealing shape. Typical head with nice dark eye. Elegant neck into extremely firm topline. Sound legs and strong feet. Would prefer more angle in front and rear, although she is balanced in angulation. Also, a little more fill in front would be appealing. On the stack, she was not my obvious choice of a winner. On the move however, she blew away the competition. A long, ground covering and effortless stride that just got better and better by every lap – whereas the opposite happened to her competitors. This bitch is plain poetry in motion.(BB, BIS & BOpen)
2) Darling’s Zougani Zawadi, very balanced bitch. Nice typical head. Good layback of shoulder, good topline. Nice hindquarters. Moves very steady and effortless. Very nice bitch but just not as striking as the class winner on the move.
Veronica Thoren, Rex Ventors (Judge)