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Open Show 2010 Critique

Many thanks to the committee for this appointment. I was very honoured to receive the invitation.

I first judged this breed 20 years ago when I had some very good quality exhibits. Today I thought that the quality of the entry was also very high which made my judging enjoyable but also made for some close decisions. These were made generally on the movement and in an inside ring several could have changed places. I know that this is often said but today we were outside in a large ring but a bit uneven in places. By the end of judging it had warmed up considerably.

Best in Show was a super fit veteran male very much fit for purpose. When I had my final lineup I had at first thought it would be his son – the eventual RBD – however in the final he simply took over the ring and his attitude carried him through to Best in Show. Reserve Best Dog was his son with Reserve Best in Show to his granddaughter who has the same attitude and loved the ring. RBB was very close up and all four winners I felt were worthy of their titles. Best Puppy in Show was a handsome male but again a close decision over the bitch. Both show lots of promise and I look forward to following their careers.

PD (3)

1. Maclean & Clark's Veldtkammer Golden Balls at Callmn. Classic type young male. Kept his shape and topline on the move. Powerful stride with good reach and drive. Good head with broad skull, clear eye and ears held close to head. Elegant neck leading into nice shoulder placement, neat throughout front with balanced front and rear. Looked good stacked and on the move. Still looked like a youngster which I like to see. He was Best Puppy in Show beating narrowly the Best Bitch Puppy. Lots of promise.

2.Lowson's Jengachenga By Design. Just over six months and enjoying himself, Eager and happy. Well balanced overall with good angulation front and rear. Excellent head, eye and earset. Well constructed with good bone, body and topline. This boy needs a bit of time to come together but a quality puppy who should also have a good future. He was less positive on the move today hence his second place but still close up to winner. Will be interesting to see him again when mature.

3. Cherrie's Jengachenga Brilliant Boy.

JD (1)

1. Lowson's Jengachenga By Design.(repeat)

PGD (2)

1. Cobb & Black's Zeus's Pride. Attractive and balanced dog. Neat front, excellent length of neck, firm back, good ribbing, tight feet. Well muscled throughout . Covered the ground easily. In the challenge for best dog just preferred the head of the winners.

LD (4)

This was a difficult class with close decisions.

1. Lynn's Tsjakka Just Joey. Head masculine with good expression, strong neck , level backline, good depth to body, feet tight. Just preferred shoulder and front. Shown in super condition and handled well on this ground.

2. Lennie's Jengachenga Akili. Another masculine dog, very similar type to the winner in head, eye, body shape. Well muscled but a bit unsettled on the move needing to stride out just a touch. These could easily change places under another judge but the ring was some what uneven in places and this affected a few dogs on the day.

3. Brien & Young's Jengachenga Atsama for Imanje

OD (4) Another lovely class.

1. Boyd, Rossiter & Fox's Sonstraal Gabe's Prospect at Sescheke JW Sh CM. Excellent head with good eye, strong muzzle, correct earset close to head. Strong neck, clean shoulder, good ribbing, super depth of body, Balanced outline both stacked and on the move. Strong pasterns and good stifle creating a good ground covering stride.

2. Lowson's Mwenga Hasani of Jengachenga. A very close second with many similarities. Again excellent head, eye, neat front , good reach of neck, fitting well into a sloping shoulder. Good ribs helping to keep topline on the move, firm behind. Just preferred the winner after a final move round the ring. Again could change under another judge.

3. Aitken & Reid's Sonstraal Chocolate Storm.

VD/B (6)

1. Rossiter & Fox Aust. Ch/ Ch Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp.Aust). Could not believe this veteran. Totally belied his age in colouring – not a bit of greying and also on the move. A hound of quality and style. Perfectly balanced all through. Masculine, classic head, very strong neck, correct straight front and clean shoulder, heavy boned, well ribbed up. Correct shoulder and good turn of stifle with well let down hocks allowed him to cover the ground with an economy of movement giving him a slight edge to beat his son and also take Best in Show.

2. Rossiter & Fox Sonstraal Miss Marple At Gabisa. Sweet and feminine quality bitch and like the dog carried her age well. Good head and earset, straight front, good ribs and topline still held well on move. Balanced picture standing but just lacked the power of the male on the move.

PB (3)

1. Harrower's Jimanns Twice Nightly. This was a very sweet and feminine youngster with a super expression, calm and relaxed. Liked her front, straight and tidy, her feet were good and she presented a lovely outline. Excellent head and neck, good ribs and hindquarters. Only lost out to BPIS on maturity. She just has a bit more to go. Another I would like to see in a year or so. Very promising.

2. Brien & Young's Jengachenga Bold as Brass for Imanje. Very similar to her brothers but think at the moment she has the edge on them. Well constructed throughout with neat front , good layback, nice neck length, level topline, good feet but just lost out in movement but thiscould have been due to the ring today.

3. Ritchie's Jimanns Tumbling Dice.

JB (4)

1. Boyd's Sescheke's Acting Miss Molly. Very promising, stylish young lady. Feminine in aspect with good head, earset, and strength of neck, leading into a lovely slope of shoulder, tidy front and good bone. Backline level stacked and moving, well ribbed and with firm quarters. Well let down hocks. Moved very well throughout and in the challenge for Best Bitch just won this by a whisker over another quality bitch.

2. Bennie's Nehando Abeni. Another pleasing girl with good head, strong neck, good bone, level topline and firm quarters. On the day just preferred front movement of the winner.

3. Alexander's Sescheke A Touch of Class.

PGB (6)

1. Three very feminine girls. Baird's Nurisha Emerald. Pleasing head and eye, strong neck , tight front with elbows well in to body. Body itself firm and deep, good ribs, topline and muscled hindquarters. This was a very close class but felt that she had moved the best after a final run.

2. Lennox & Cochrane's Nurisha Narkeasha. Very similar to winner with many of the same qualities. Again a good head, a neat front , good neck and shoulder, level topline. Just lost out on the final move.

3. Rossiter & Fox Sonstraal Chocolate Drop.

LB (6) Lovely class.

1. Rossiter & Pratt's Sonstraal She's A Devil Woman. Quality bitch of very good type, Classic outline, from her head to hindquarters. Excellent front assembly, good feet, layback of shoulder, ribs going well back giving a beautiful topline, firm and muscled behind with good bend of stifle and well let down hocks. She powered round the ring.

2. Harrower's Jimanns Jiggy Jiggy. Another of good breed type, excellent outline. Pleasing head, tidy front, excellent depth of body, well muscled hindquarters enable her to move well round the ring.

3. Hutcheson & Ogilvie's Sonstraal Gabby Anny of Gabisa.

OB (7)

1. Hutcheson & Ogilvie's Stardust's Escada by Amila of Gabisa (AI) (Imp. Sw) Elegant bitch exuding power, elegance and balance, Loved her head and expression, super neck fitting into good lay of shoulder, Straight front, neat elbow, deep body and beautiful behind. She moved very well in this class to take first place but in the challenge was just beaten by a whisker when she seemed to flag slightly. Can easily see her with her title.

2. Darling's Zougani Zawadi. Another good bitch who narrowly beat herlittermate in this class. Liked her head, eye, neck and body shape. Tidy front,neat elbows well in to body, good bone, ribs and feet.

3. Nelson's Zougani Zasha.

Sandra Johnston (Judge)

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