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Open Show 2011

We had a mixed bag of weather for our annual Open show this year, but it stayed dry at least!

Pat Selby (Eilack) was judging and had a good entry of dogs and bitches. Principle results as follows;

  • Best In Show & Best Bitch - Rossiter & Pratt's Sonstraal She's a Devil Woman JW

  • Reserve Best in Show & Best Dog - Aitken & Reid's Sonstraal Chocolate Storm

  • Best Puppy in Show - Smith's Makibos Kilimadscharo

  • Best Veteran in Show - Rossiter & Fox's Aust/UK CH Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp)

Left to Right - Best Puppy in Show, Best Veteran in Show, Best in Show and Reserve Best in Show

  • Reserve Best Bitch - Hutcheson & Ogilvie's Stardust's Escada by Amila of Gabisa (Imp Swe) (AI)

  • Reserve Best Dog - Well's & Brown's CH Rejan Chaos ShCM

  • Best Puppy - Smith's Makibos Kilimadscharo

  • Best Junior - Clark & MacLean's Druimderg Dancin Wit Fire at Callmn

  • Best Post Graduate - Brien & Young's Jengachenga Bold as Brass for Imanje JW

  • Best Limit - Rossiter & Pratt's Sonstraal She's a Devil Woman JW

  • Best Open - Aitken & Reid's Sonstraal Chocolate Storm

  • Best Veteran - Rossiter & Fox's CH/Aust CH Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp)

  • Reserve Best Veteran - Rossiter & Fox's Sonstraal Miss Marple at Gabisa

Results and photos of winners below. Fore more photos please visit The Gallery.

A massive Thank You to Miss Selby (Eilack) for judging our show, and also a special mention for Caroline Melville (Nurisha) who kindly took all the lovely photographs from the show. Thanks Caroline!

Principle winner photos

RBVIS with the Best Junior Handler Miss Chloe Ogilvie

Best Post Graduate

Best Puppy in Show

Best Open, Best Dog & RBIS 

Reserve Best Dog

Best Veteran in Show

Best Junior

Best Limit, Best Bitch & BIS

Reserve Best Bitch

Junior Dog (1)

1. Mulligan's Zougani Zuri

Post Graduate Dog (3)

1. Clark & MacLean's Veldtkammer Golden Balls of Callmn (left)

2. Lowson's Jengachenga By Design (below)

3. Cobb & Black's Zeus' Pride

Limit Dog (2)

1. Lennie's Jengachenga Akili (left)

2. Brien & Young's Jengachenga Atsama for Imanje (below)

Open Dog (7,2)

1. Aitken & Reid's Sonstraal Chocolate Storm (left)

2. Wells & Brown's CH Rejan Chaos ShCM (below left)

3. Lowson's Mwenga Hasani for Jengachenga

4. Bennie's Walamadengie Zeus at Nehando

5. McKinlay's Sonstraal Christmas Cracker

Veteran D/B (5/4)

1. Rossiter & Fox's CH/Aust CH Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp) 

Puppy Bitch (6)

1. Smith's Makibos Kilimadscharo (left)

2. Bennie's Nehando's Tartan Terror (below)

3. Lowson's Veldtkammer Hot News at Jengachenga

4. Watson's Babezeka Akira

5. Shaw's Makibos Kilimalemrika

Junior Bitch (5,1)

1. Clark & MacLean's Druimderg Dancin Wit Fire at Callmn (left)

2. Wedderburn-Ogilvy's Zougani Zanela

3. Watson's Babezeka Akira

4. Grant's Tsavo Shani

Post Graduate Bitch (4)

1. Brien & Young's Jengachenga Bold as Brass for Imanje JW

2. Fox, Boyd & Mosedale's Sonstraal Chocolate Drop (below)

3. Lennox & Cochrane's Nurisha Narkeasha of Afifa

4. Nelson's Zougani Zhara

Limit Bitch (6,1)

1. Rossiter & Pratt's Sonstraal She's a Devil Woman JW (left)

2. Melville's Nurisha Emerald (below)

3. Hutcheson & Ogilvie's Sonstraal Gabby Anny of Gabisa

4. McKinlay's Sonstraal Gabby Dancer

5. Lowson's Jengachenga Angara

Open Bitch (6)

1. Hutcheson & Ogilvie's Stardust's Escada by Amila of Gabisa (Imp Swe) (AI) (left)

2. Darling's Zougani Zawadi ShCM (below)

3. Wallace's Sonstraal Gabby's Dream ShCM

4. Rossiter & Fox's Sonstraal Miss Marple at Gabisa

5. Nelson's Zougani Zasha

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