Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland
Open Show 22nd April 2012
Our Open show was held at the foot of the Ochil hills in Cochrane Hall, Alva. Judging was all-rounder Mr Robert Greaves who had a nice entry to go over - it stayed dry for the judging of the dogs then we had to retreat indoors for the bitches. It was a good atmosphere and everyone enjoyed the home cooking & baking!
Principle Results are as follows -
Best in Show & Best Dog - Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM
Reserve Best in Show & Best Bitch - Sonstraal She's a Devil Woman JW ShCM
Best Verteran in Show - Zougani Zasha
Best Puppy in Show - Sonstraal Dream the Dream at Saadani
Reserve Best Dog - Zougani Zuri
Reserve Best Bitch - Jengachenga Bold as Brass for Imanje

The Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland held a very enjoyable Breed Club Open Show at Cochrane Hall Alva. Many thanks to the Officers and Committee for inviting me. I had anticipated judging this breed at this show for some time & I thoroughly enjoyed my day. All temperaments were excellent & ridges & bites correct,.
Post Graduate Dog (4,1 absent)
1st Mulligans Zougani Zuri. Headed a very nice class. Very nicely balanced. Good head, good neck, shoulder, topline, length of ribbing into strong well turned quarters. Just a tad loose in front movement at the moment ,but showed extension in profile RBD
2nd Smiths Zouga Mac. Very pleasing male in excellent hard condition. Much to admire in this hound. good shoulders, topline & quarters, good bone & feet – just needs a little more schooling.
3rd Lowsons Jengachenga By Design. Pleasing male but not the precision on the move of 1 & 2
Limit Dog (2)
1st Smiths Zouga Mac. Second in the previous class and a little more settled in Limit Dog. Tidier front action won him the class.
2nd Brien & Youngs Jengachenga Atsamba for Imanje. , good angulation while standing & moved well in profile, Pleasing head but weak front action
Open Dog (5,3)
1st Aitken & Reids Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM. High quality hound with no exaggerations, very typical lovely head & expression, excellent neck flowing smoothly into clean well angulated shoulders, firm topline with correct rise over the croup, rear quarters have correct angulation, very strong & free, active mover, presents a picture of a very sound, well balanced hound. Best Open, Best Dog & BIS
2nd Lowsons Mwenga Hasani of Jengachenga . Another quality dog. Very good shape & outline, good type, pleasing head & expression, good front & rear assembly, level topline, deep ribs, powerful, well constructed rearquarters, very good sound free flowing movement.
3rd Smiths Zouga Mac
Veteran Dog/Bitch (7,3) Four lovely veterans a credit to their owners.
1st Nelsons Zougani Zasha 7 yr bitch. Has all the correct attributes & in superb coat & muscular condition, well balanced outline, free flowing movement, a pleasure to watch; BVIS

2nd Lowsons Tsjakka Kari of Jengachenga. Just preferred the head shape of winner.RBVIS
3rd Rossiter & Foxs Sonstraal Miss Marple at Gabisa. Completed a very nice trio
Puppy Bitch (3,1)
1st Aitken & Mosedales Sonstraal Dream the Dream at Saadani. What a lovely. promising young bitch, nine months of age and of very good breed type and really did present a cracking outline. Very feminine head & expression, nice neck, well laid shoulders, ribcage carried well back, good width across thigh, sound positive movement. BPIS

2nd Irvine & Massons Walamadengie Velveteen. Another very nice youngster and close up to 1 in some respects with the same attributes, lovely head, eye & expression and clean neck, On the day, not the strong movement of winner RBPIS
Junior Bitch (2)
1st Hughsons Ballyriver Hot Caramel. Llovely construction, decent shape, delightful head, excellent angles, firm backline, sweeping croup, smooth profile action as well as coming & going, has reach & drive. Best Junior
2nd Aitkens Rex Ventors Uptown Girl at Saadani. A delightful character and so playful. Nice shape and, when she settled, moved OK
Post Graduate Bitch (5,1)
1st Smiths Makibos Killimadscharo. , Nicely built, well balanced, not overdone in any way & with an attractive, well-proportioned head, pleasing eye & expression, clean strong neck flowing smoothly into well set shoulders, deep chest, good ribbing & strong loin, well muscled quarters & good turn of stifle, moved out confidently. Best Post Graduate
2nd Shaws Makibos Killmalemrika . Nice in profile, preferred head shape of winner. Decent quarters. Moved OK
3rd Fox , Boyd & Mosedales Sonstraal Chocolate Drop. Nice overall balance to body, held topline & presented a pleasing outline on the move.
Limit Bitch (6, 2)
1st Brien & Youngs Jengachenga Bold As Brass For Imanje. Beautiful bitch with a look of quality, beautiful head & expression, good strong and correctly proportioned neck, nice depth of body, length of loin & strong topline. Good type who moved very well, in good order; Best Limit & RBB
2nd Fergusons Sonstraal The Devils Waltz Combines strength with femininity, strong neck & shoulders, good topline, correct angulated rear quarters, in good form & well shown. Not quite the front action of winner
3rd Neillies Zougani Zoulara . Nice in profile but preferred head shape of winners. Moved OK
Open Bitch (6, 1)
1st Rossiter & Pratts Sonstraal She’s A Devil Woman JW ShCM. , took my eye as she entered the ring, has the required substance, but also elegance & a look of quality. Beautiful head & expression, good strong neck, proper depth of body, length of loin & a strong topline, angulations correct giving a good reaching stride from the front & power from the rear, covered the ground with ease, in tip-top condition Best Bitch & RBIS

2nd Darlings Zougani Zawadi ShCM. feminine head, nice neck, good length & depth of body, lovely strong quarters
3rd Hutcheson & Ogilvies Ch Stardust’s Escada By Amila of Gabisa. A worthy champion . Very feminine, good head, neck, shoulder & upper arm, good length & depth, good turn of stifle, strong second thigh.
Robert I Greaves (Judge)
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