Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland
Critique - Christine Young (Ballyriver)
I would like to take this opportunity for the club to give me this opportunity to judge at this year's open show which was thoroughly enjoyable despite the rain!
I also wish to thank all the competitors and helpers who made the show a success.
The dogs all behaved very well, temperaments all sound. All ridges good except one very slightly off set ridge.
There was a couple of dogs with even bites rather than scissor bites which is the first time I've noticed while judging. Perhaps it's something us breeders and breed enthusiasts should be mindful of.
Although the number in each class were small there was some excellent quality hounds to judge. Although my BIS and RBIS both went to dogs there is an abundance of very good promising bitches which I was pleased to see.
Class 1 PD - No entries
Class 2 JD (1,0) 1) Mrs G Mulligan's Sharufa Top of the Class - Handsome upstanding dog of 17 months. Good head proportions, good lay of shoulder with sufficient return of upper arm. Good rear angulation. Deep chest with prominent prosternum. He is a sound boy on the move both coming and going with a lovely long stride holding a strong top line.
Class 3 PGD (3,0) 1) Mr G Hardie & Miss B McIntyre's Zougani Zakula - Good overall type of ridgeback. Wouldn't want him any taller. Good head proportions but if critical slightly short in foreface. Adequate front and rear angulation, slightly heavy over the shoulder. He is a balanced dog with maturity on his side in this class. 2) Miss G Hutcheson & Miss S Rossiter's Chilolo SHHA Shootfor Themoon - this imported young dog not yet 2 years old having his first outing and thoroughly enjoying the experience. Good front and rear angulation, moving with drive but needs time to settle.
Class 4 LD (1,0) 1) Mrs G Mulligan's Zougani Zuri - I love the overall type of this dog, coming nicely to maturity without any coarseness. He has a lovely head and expression, good length of neck, shoulders correctly angled. Good turn of stifle with an overall balance. Sound on the move and, shown in excellent condition and well handled. (BD, BIS)
Class 5 OD (2,1) Miss L Aitken & Mr I Reid's Ch Sontraal Chocolate Storm ShCM - Very worthy champion who I've always admired. Lovely type of hound, always shows well. Good overall balance with correct front and rear angulation. Tight feet. Moved with drive holding a good strong top line. (RBD, RBIS)
Class 6 V (3,1) 1) Mrs W Darling's Ch Zougani Zawadi ShCM - Have always admired this lady. She is a lovely type, not exaggerated in any way, everything moderate. Absolutely sound, good front and rear construction, holding a strong top line. Only criticism would be her lack of enthusiasm sometimes on the move. If she just had an extra sparkle she could have been contending at group level. (BB) 2) Mr K & Mrs K Lowson's Mwenga Hasani of Jengachenga - this 7 year old boy slightly showing his age to-day. He has good front and rear construction and overall a sound boy. Top line dipping showing a slight weakness.
Class 7 PB (3,1) 1) Mrs L Onslow & Mr T Johnston's Rumuruti Rather You Than Me - Very attractive puppy out for the first time to-day I believe and showed extremely well. She has good head proportions with a kind expression. Good front and rear construction although she is needing more depth to her chest which will improve as she matures. 2) Mr K & Mrs K Lowson's Rozelridge's Dreamscape for Jengachenga - very young baby and at a stage when the front and rear are growing at different rates. She has a sweet expression with good head proportions. Sound on the move coming and going. Good angulation front and rear. At the moment she has a slight "ewe" neck but this should improve as she matures.
Class 8 JB (3,3) 1) Mr & Mrs Darling's Sharufa Shadowing James - Lovely overall type of ridgeback. Excellent head and expression. She is beautifully constructed, correct angulation without any exaggerations. My only criticism whilst looking stunning standing she is disappointing on the move. She is very sound on the move but sluggish and this will lose her points. 2) Ms Sally Brewis's Janak Constance - Lovely head and expression. Adequate depth of chest. Front and rear angulation good. Unfortunately the floor was a problem for this girl and she was not able to give as good as she would have been able to do outside. Would like to assess her again under different conditions.
Class 9 PGB (6,2) 1) Miss L Aitken & Mr R Mosedale's Sonstraal Dream the Dream at Saadani - beautiful type of ridgeback. Construction very good. Good lay of shoulder and return of upper arm. Sound on the move coming and going. She has a lovely head and expression. 2) Mrs S Gibbs's Tayscenny Saffron of Bahiya - Sound ridgeback with adequate angulation front and rear. Moved soundly both coming and going.
Class 10 LB (4,0) 1) Mr W & Mrs M Shaw's Makibos Kilimalemrika of Negasi - Overall a very nice type of ridgeback. Good head proportions leading onto a good length of neck into well laid back shoulders. Good rear angulation. Very good feet. Sound on the move. 2) Mr & Mrs R Ferguson's Sonstraal the Devil's Waltz - Another pretty lady - overall a good sound ridgeback with good construction fore and aft. Not holding her top line as strongly as number 1. Very good head and expression.
Class 11 OB (4,1) 1) Miss S Rossiter & Mrs M Pratt's Sonstraal She's a Devil Woman JW ShCM - Very attractive quality ridgeback. Super construction with an overall balance allowing her to move soundly around the ring and coming and going. 2) Mr D Brien & Ms A Young's Jengachenga Bold as Brass for Imanje JW - Smaller bitch then number 1 but still a lovely type. Good depth of chest and lay of shoulder. Feet tight. Sound on the move coming and going. Good head proportions with a sweet expression.
Open Show Sunday 21st April 2013
Breed specialist Christine Young (Ballyriver) judged our Open Show and found her Best in Show in Mulligan's Zougani Zuri ShCM. RBIS was Aitken & Reid's Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM. Best Puppy was Onslow & Johnston's Rumeruti Rather You Than Me and Best Bitch & Best Veteran was Ch Zougani Zawadi ShCM. See the Gallery for photos of class winners.

PD - no entries
1. Sharufa top of the class
1. Zougani Zakulu
2. Chilolo SHHA Shootfor Themoon AI IMP
3. Kenziam Noble Viscount of Bahiya
1. Zougani Zuri ShCM
1. Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM
1. Ch Zougani Zawadi ShCM
2. Mwenga Hasani for Jengachenga
1. Rumuruti Rather You Than Me
2. Rozelridges Dreamscape for Jengachenga
1. Sharufa Shadowing James
2. Janak Constance
1. Sonstraal Dream the Dream at Saadani JW
2. Talyscenny Saffron of Bahiya
3. Nurisha Emeralds Echo
1. Makibos Kilimalemrika of Negasi
2. Sonstraal The Devils Waltz
3. Zougani Zhara
1. Sonstraal She's a Devil Woman JW ShCM
2. Jengachenga Bold As Brass for Imanje JW
3. Ch Stardust's Escada by Amila of Gabisa AI IMP
1. Zougani Zuri
Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM
Ch Zougani Zawadi ShCM
Sonstraal She's a Devil Woman JW ShCM
Rumuruti Rather You Than Me
Rozelridges Dreamscape for Jengachenga
Sharufa Shadowing James
Sonstraal Dream the Dream at Saadani JW
Mwenga Hasani for Jengachenga
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