Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland
Saturday 9th April 2016 - Judge Mr Russell Mosedale
Best in Show - Catharall's Faahac Free N'Easy JW
Reserve Best in Show - Aitken & Reid's Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM
Best Dog - Catharall's Faahac Free N'Easy JW
Reserve Best Dog - Aitken & Reid's Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM
Best Bitch - Green & Thomson's Faahac Royal Farina
Reserve Best Bitch - Melville's Nurisha Emerald She's The One
Best Puppy in Show - Aitken's Sonstraal Blood Red Baron of Saadani
Reserve Best Puppy - Rossiter & Fox's Sonstraal Blood Sunrise
Best Veteran in Show - Aitken & Reid's Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM
Reserve Best Veteran - Wallace's Sonstraal Gabby's Dream ShCM
Best Junior - Nelson's Gabisa Woo Woo
Best Post Graduate - Lawless' Faahac Fancy Free
Best Limit - Catharall's Faahac Free N'Easy JW
Best Open - Wallace's Sonstraal Gabby's Dream ShCM
Class 1 - Puppy Dog (4)
Sonstraal Blood Red Baron of Saadani
Gen's Julia Toretto Always The First at Carlincox (Imp Rus)
Chagall Akua
Marengo's Mahdi
Class 2 - Junior Dog (2)
Azali Jamaa Azizi Tiberius (Imp Deu)
Rottzridge Augustin (AI)
Class 3 - Post Graduate Dog (2)
Druimderg We Light the Way
Hespa Hermes
Class 4 - Limit Dog (6)
Faahac Free N'Easy JW
Trendsetter Highland Fling for Druimderg
Hespa Henry Higgins
Gabisa Spotted Dick
Sofala Grand Master
Class 5 - Open Dog (2,1)
Chilolo Shha Shoot for the Moon (AI) (Imp Aus)
Class 6 - Veteran Dog or Bitch (4,2)
Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM
Ch Zougani Zawadi ShCM
Class 7 - Puppy Bitch (2,1 W/D)
1. Sonstraal Blood Sunrise
Class 8 - Junior Bitch (5)
Gabisa Woo Woo
Bovijo Bed of Roses
Tarrtoppin Bronte at Ranginui
Gabisa Daiquiri
Hayawani Shaba Ushanga (Imp Swe)
Class 9 - Post Graduate Bitch (7,2)
Faahac Fancy Free
Gabisa Woo Woo
Druimderg Hear Me Roar
Ballyriver Handmade
Zumaridi Dutchess Isla
Class 10 - Limit Bitch (12,1)
Faahac Royal Faribaa
Nurisha Emerald She's The One
Mwani Wanjeri for Dellared
Gabisa Wonder Woman
Sharufa Shadowing James
Class 11 - Open Bitch (6,4 - 1 W/D)
1. Sonstraal Gabby's Dream ShCM
NFC - (4)
Judge's Critique
Thank you to the officers & committee for their kind invitation. Also to the exhibitors for an excellent entry & support. I have been looking forward to this appointment for some time & to be greeted with an entry of 54 dogs making 55 entries. I am delighted to hear that my BD & BB are litter brother & sister & also the same with the puppies. All ridges were good with the exception of a couple!
BIS was Faahac Free N’Easy; RBIS, Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm; & BP, Sonstraal Blood Baron of Saadani.
PD (4) 1 Sonstraal Blood Baron at Saadani, l/w, liver nose boy, lots to like & I’m sure will have
bright future, just 7 months, lovely profile & shape, good skull shape, good round eye & colour,
correct ear shape & placement, long neck leading into well placed shoulders, strong bone, good
with of forechest, deep brisket, elbows tucked in, moderate spring of rib, correct amount of loin,
moderate bend of stifle, well muscled, moved with good drive & reach. BPD, BP, congratulations; 2 Gen Julia Toretto Always The First at Carlincox, r/w, another promising puppy, correct skull
proportions, round eye, good ear placement, strong neck, well placed shoulders, strong bone,
moderate bend of stifle, preferred 1’s hindquarters, moved with lovely reach & drive; 3 Chagall
JD (2) 1 Azali Jamaa Azizi Tiberius, too heavy in skull for me, good round eye, lovely ear shape & placement, moderate reach of neck, well placed shoulders, strong bone, good tight feet, good with of forechest, deep brisket, moderate bend of stifle, well muscled, moved with good drive & reach; 2 Rottzridge Augustin, little broad in skull, good round eye, strong neck leading into well placed shoulders, strong bone, deep brisket, moderate bend of stifle, moved erratic.
PGD (2) 1 Druimderg We Light The Way, won this class on his profile & shape, correct round &
colour, good pigmentation, strong neck leading into well place shoulders, good width of chest,
deep brisket, correct amount of loin, strong hindquarters, well muscled, moved with good drive &
reach; 2 Hespa Hermes, prefer 1 head, similar points as 1.
LD (6) 1 Faahac Free N’Easy, r/w, I was so taken by this liver nose boy, his profile & shape seems to flow from one end to the other, correct head shape & proportions, lovely round eye & colour, excellent ear shape & placement, strong reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders, strong bone, excellent feet, lovely with of chest, deep brisket, elbows well tucked in, lovely topline, moderate spring of rib, correct amount loin, strong & powerful hindquarters, well muscled with second thigh muscle, moved with real reach & drive. BD, BIS, I hear he has already ready one CC, hope the other two are not long away! Many congratulations; 2 Trendsetter Highland Fling for Druimderg, r/w, another lovely boy, lovely profile, good head shape, round eye, good ear placement, strong reach of neck leading into well place shoulders, good width of chest, deep
brisket, moderate spring of rib, moderate bend of stifle, well muscled with second thigh muscle,
just not the drive as 1 today, moved OK; 3 Hespa Henry Higgins.
OD (2) 1 Chilolo Shha Shoot For The moon (AI), stood alone, good round eye, lovely
pigmentation, good strong neck, well placed shoulders, strong bone, good width of chest, deep
brisket, moderate bend of stifle, well muscled, moved with good drive & reach.
V D/B (4) Two lovely veterans full of quality. 1 Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm, an old favourite of mine, my opinion of this boy has not changed, lovely profile & shape, correct skull shape & proportions, round eye with correct colour, strong reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders, strong bone, lovely feet, good with of chest, excellent topline, moderate spring of rib, correct amount of loin, strong hindquarters, well muscled with second thigh muscle, today in his class was full of life so was a little bouncy, once settled he has lovely reach & drive which good not be denied. RBD, RBIS, BV; 2 Ch Zougani Zawadi, no surprise this girl is a ch, lovely profile & shape, moved with good reach & drive in the class & just started to show her age in the challenge.
PB (2,1w/d) 1 Sonstraal Blood Sunset, l/w, like her litter brother as similar points, lovely round eye, good ear placement & shape, good reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders, good width of chest, strong bone, good topline, moderate spring of rib, good topline, correct amount of loin,moderate bend of stifle, well muscled for age, moved well with good reach & drive.
JB (5) 1 Gabisa Woo Woo, l/w, lovely profile, correct head proportions, lovely round eyes, correct
ear placement, strong reach of neck, well placed shoulders, strong bone, good width of chest, lovely feet, deep brisket, moderate spring of rib, strong topline, moderate bend of stifle, well muscled with second thigh muscle, moved with good drive & reach; 2 Bovijo Bed Of Roses, good profile & shape, round eyes, good ear placement, strong neck leading into well placed shoulders, well off for bone, good feet, moderate spring of rib, good topline, moderate bend of stifle, well muscled, moved with good reach & not the drive as 1; 3 Tarrtoppin Bronte at Ranginiu.
PGB (6) 1 Faahac Fancy Free, lovely bitch, correct head shape with lovely round eyes, excellent
ear shape & placement, strong reach of neck, well placed shoulders, strong bone, good feet, lovely width of chest, deep brisket, good topline, would prefer a little more length in the loin, moderate bend of stifle, well muscled with second thigh muscle, moved with good reach & drive; 2 G Woo Woo; 3 Druimderg Hear Me Roar.
LB (12) 1 Faahac Royaal Faribaa, r/w, stunning girl in gleaming coat & condition, excels in profile & shape, correct skull shape, lovely round eyes, good pigmentation, lovely ear shape & good
placement, strong reach of neck leading into well placed shoulders, lovely width of chest, excellent feet, deep brisket, elbows tucked in, moderate spring of rib, strong topline, moderate bend of stifle, well muscled with a second thigh muscle, moved with real drive & reach, could not denied her BB, congratulations; 2 Nurisha Emerald She The One, another lovely girl, like her profile & shape, good skull shape, lovely round eyes, good ear shape & placement, powerful reach of neck leading well placed shoulders, strong bone, good feet, lovely width of chest, deep brisket, moderate spring of rib, lovely topline, moderate bend of stifle, well muscled with second thigh muscle, moved with real drive & reach. RBB; 3 Mwani Wanjeri of Dellared.
OB (6,1w/d) 1 Sonstraal Gabby’s Dream, stood alone but a worthy winner, full of quality, correct
head proportions, lovely round eyes, good ear shape & placement, good strong reach of neck, well placed shoulders, good bone, lovely width of chest, deep brisket, moderate spring of rib, good topline, moderate bend of stifle, well muscled, moved with good reach & drive.
Best In Show 2016 - Faahac Free N'Easy JW

RBIS & BV - Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM

Best Bitch & BOS - Faahac Royal Faribaa

Reserve Best Bitch - Nurisha Emerald She's The One

Best Puppy in Show - Sonstraal Blood Red Baron of Saadani