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Open Show - 13th April 2019 - Judge Kim Hodge (Colkeririn) 

Principle Winners

Parson's Priorpark Pipsqueak won Best in Show & Best Bitch

(pictured left)

Reserve Best in Show, Best Dog & Best Veteran in Show was Mulligan's Ch Zougani Zuri ShCM

Best Puppy was Lawless' Kinabula’s Meant to be for Faahac

Reserve Best Dog was Lowson's Kani Akilah Encane Hasani for Jengachenga (Imp Ned)

Reserve Best Bitch, BVB & Reserve Best Veteran in Show went to Darling's Sharufa Shadowing James

Reserve Best Puppy in Show & BPD was Willunat's Shavaro’s Quality of Life by Oliver

Puppy Dog

  • Shavaro’s Quality of Life by Oliver – BPD, RBPIS

  • Globalridge Red Carnelian

  • Saadani Eye of The Storm

  • Rottzridge Top O’ The Class

  • Monarch of Glen Spartan

Junior Dog

  • Buhera Mr Romeo Under Unzezi

  • Villagedogs Rise Of Phoenix at Saadani

  • Rocksham Bomani’s Quarter

  • Ozubi’s Pilgrim at Kondwani

  • tbc

Post Graduate Dog

  • Rottzridge Augustin

  • Matsushona Fire Opal of Cynami

Limit Dog

  • Jimanns The Doctor

  • Chagall Akua

  • Saaadani Show Off

  • Nehando’s Excalibur

  • Sonstraal Blood Baron at Saadani

Open Dog

  • Kani Akilah Encane Hasani for Jengachenga - RBD

  • Hespa Hermes

  • CH Faahac Free N’Easy JW ShCM

  • Gabisa Spotted Dick

  • Azali Jamaa Azizi Tiberius ShCM

Veteran Dog or Bitch

  • Ch Zougani Zuri ShCM – BD, RBIS & BVIS

  • Sharufa Shadowing James – RBB & RBVIS

  • Janak Constance at Tarakilna ShCM

  • Sharufa Dream Maker

  • Ch Sonstraal Chocolate Storm ShCM

Puppy Bitch

  • Kinabula’s Meant to Be for Faahac – BPIS & BPB

  • Shavano’s Quality of Life by Indie

  • Anzacol Amazing Alika at Redcrown

  • Msingi All About Me of Cynami

  • Kansenji Khalifa

Junior Bitch

  • Shavano’s Quality of Life by Indie

  • Saadani Storm Catcher With Sharufa

  • Buhera Who Loves Ya Baby

Post Graduate Bitch

  • Priorpark Pipsicle – BB & BIS

  • Bovijo Bed of Roses

  • Carlincox First Rate

  • Sweet Little Wallflower

  • Kinabula’s All About The Bass

Limit Bitch

  • Priorpark Pipsqueak

  • Kansenji Noor

  • Hespa Heart of Gold

  • Jimanns Getting Jiggy With It

  • Gabisa Margarita

Open Bitch

  • Gabisa Woo Woo at Zougani ShCM

  • Faahac Royal Faribaa ShCM

  • Spartan

Judges Report

Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland

Breed Club Open Show - Ingliston Showground, Edinburgh Saturday 13 April 2019.

Thank you to the RRCS committee for inviting me to judge your Open Show. I was delighted to have pulled such a great entry for the Club and would like to thank every single exhibitor for the honour of being able to judge your dogs. I won’t mention ridges independently, as overall the majority were correct, or if mildly off-set, then didn’t detract from overall placement. Bites were good apart from one or two and I was really happy to see good feet all round. I had planned for exhibitors to show me bites, in an effort to follow general requests for judges not to handle mouths, but I found it to take more time on each dog and crowding around their head to get the view I needed, so I switched to checking myself.

Puppy Dog 7/2

1, 69. Shavaro’s Quality of Life by Oliver. Claudia Willunat.

A well built 8.5 month red wheaten with good proportions. His head demonstrates strength with good depth and length of muzzle, a dark eye on a clean face with characterful expression. Good length of neck, well placed shoulder and top line held well throughout, lovely front assembly balanced with rear, excellent bone and very pleasing on the move.

2, 23. Globalridge Red Carnelian. Mr W & Mrs J Dickson

Similar stamp to 1 and of the same age, really liked this boy’s proportions. Again strongly made with good overall balance. Good bone and particularly liked his 1st and 2nd thigh. He was settled on the move demonstrating a good ground covering action and was at one with his handler.

Junior Dog 8/2

1, 65. Behera Mr Romeo Under Unzezi. Mr & Mrs Spratling

A super 14-month light wheaten who showed as a happy, easy going, no nonsense dog. Excellent head, correct ear set, good strong muzzle. Dark, sparkling eyes that paid good attention to his handler. Strong, clean neck leading to nicely placed withers and a good top line held well throughout. Excellent length of upper arm, could have better return, will watch as he matures. Excellent rear quarters, strong first and 2nd thigh, hocks well let down. Pulled it all together on the move with a pleasing straight forward active stride.

2, 6. Villagedogs Rise of Phoenix at Saadani. Miss L Aitken, Mrs C Muir, Miss S Rossiter and Mrs D McGoldrick.

Larger stamp than 1 and at 15-months already a handsome, upstanding hound, painting an eye- catching picture. Strong head with good width and depth of muzzle. Eye colour harmonising with his liver colouring, plenty of wrinkles for his young age. Strong mover with accurate coming and going action, moving on the best feet of the day. Excellent depth and length of ribbing, good balance for and aft, pushed 1 for the class, just not as settled, but am sure his future is bright.

Post Graduate Dog 2/0

1, 59. Rottzridge Augustin. Mr M Reid

Excellent muscle tone on this moderate 4 year old red wheaten who displayed a handsome outline with a particularly pleasing flow from head to neck to withers. Good head with dark eye. Good body proportions and pleasing bone. A tidy mover, but would have liked more reach and a little more schooling, but no doubt he and his handler enjoyed their day.

2, 29. Matsushona Fire Opan of Cynami. Mr L & Mrs C Hall

A leggy 2 year old male with a lovely head and a gentle, loyal expression with excellent wrinkles and a good round dark eye, shown sympathetically and well handled. Good strength through his neck and body and although balanced for and aft, I would like more depth of brisket.

Limit Dog 7/2

1, 68. Jimmans The Doctor. Mr & Mrs Whiteside

At just short of 2 years, so much to like about this young male. A joy to watch on the move with good scope to his stride. Lovely clean head with a dark eye, could be bigger, but it didn’t detract from his kind expression. Strong neck, lovely clean lines through his withers and top line, held well throughout. Well placed shoulder with corresponding length and return of upper arm and good front fill. Good length of ribbing and loin with his rear quarters equally pleasing. Good hock action, good feet, good bone, good tail set and tail with good carriage - good hound! One to watch.

2, 10. Chagall Akua. Mr C Brown & Ms E McIntosh

A no nonsense nicely built 4 year old moderate dog. Black mask on a strong face, good length of neck to a well placed shoulder with pleasing length of upper arm and excellent front fill, correct ribbing providing excellent heart and lung room. His rear quarters were equally pleasing with good turn of stifle and strong hocks used well, he could use a hint more length to his loin. He was a little fidgety today, but none the less a happy, characterful breed ambassador who’s dark eyes sparkled throughout.

Open Dog 9/3

1, 39. Kani Akilah Encane Hasani for Jengachenga. Ms K Lowson

A handsome 5 year old hound who struck an impressive overall picture of form and function. Clean, strong head with a complimenting coloured eye, clean neck to a well placed shoulder and a good length and return of upper arm. Plenty of front fill and excellent length of ribbing, correct loin. Strong rear quarters with pleasing first and 2nd thigh and well let down hocks. Good feet all moving on good boned, correct legs. His easy going nature evident, and luckily he was willing to keep working for his handler. A lovely free action on the move. RBD

2, 15. Ch. Faahac Free N’Easy JW ShCM. Mr H & Mrs C Catharell

This handsome headed 4 year old liver knows right where his feet are, at every stand he strikes the correct outline. Easy on the eye, his correct proportions are fully in harmony with his front and rear angles. A beautifully placed shoulder, correct length and return of upper arm, and when viewed from the front he demonstrates tight elbows underneath him and a perfect amount of front fill, running just a little too lean in body today. Balanced at the rear, he has the right amount of angulation, a good turn of stifle and well let down hocks.

Veteran Dog or Bitch 7/2

1, 45. Ch. Zougani Zuri ShCM. Mr & Mrs Mulligan

I had the pleasure of judging this boy 3 years ago, now at 9 years, like a fine wine, he’s matured to be utterly delicious! Viewed from every angle and whether standing or on the move he’s the right blend of masculinity, substance and balance. A strong but not overdone head has a kind, loyal expression with big, dark round eyes. Length and breadth of muzzle are correct as are his ear size and set. A strong, clean neck flows to correct placed withers a good shoulder lay with corresponding length and return of upper arm allows him superb reach. Good depth of chest and length of ribbing, correct length of loin, strong quarters with excellent first and second thigh, ample bend of stifle and well let down hocks allow him to drive with straightforward ease. His side gait demonstrates magnificent extension, his head held low, allowing his eye placement level with his top line. To be hyper critical I’d prefer to see his tail carried a little further out behind him, but he so closely reflects our standard I was happy to award him Best Dog, Best Veteran, Best Opposite Sex and Reserve Best in Show.

2, 21. Sharufa Shadowing James. Mrs W F Darling

This 7 year old gaited into the ring with a drive and determination and didn’t ease the whole time. A moderate bitch with a clean head, bright round dark eyes, strength with femininity throughout. Well placed shoulder and good length of upper arm with a good deep brisket. Good front fill, nice underline to a good, strong loin. Lovely well muscled rear quarters with well developed first and second thigh, clean action coming and going and wonderful to watch on the side go. Completely at one with her handler. RBB

Puppy Bitch 8/2
1, 36. Kinabula’s Meant To Be for Faahac. Miss G Lawless & Mrs C Catharell
6 months to the day, this characterful little liver nosed lady has quality throughout. A lovely head with strength of muzzle, a green eye harmonising with her colouring. Beautiful length to her neck, strong through her withers and a good level top line, held well throughout. Outstanding length and return of upper arm but most pleasing was her elbows so tightly under her when viewed from the front. Already showing the correct depth of her chest to elbows, she has a good underline and nice length of loin. Fabulous rear angulation, good tail set, and pleasing croup. Sympathetically handled, shown at a perfect pace, she moved with a purpose beyond her age. Simply delightful! BPIS.
2, 20. Shavano’s Quality of Life by Indie. Miss J Cyprien
A rangier bitch (than 1) who I liked a lot. Lovely light wheaten shown in good condition. A feminine head, dark eye and kind expression, a good length of neck to well placed shoulder. Excellent length, height and bone proportions she displays good angles front and rear. Of particular note are her first and second thigh and strong hocks which, on the move, she used to display a lovely relaxed daisy cutting action.

Junior Bitch 5/2

1, 20. Shavano’s Quality o Life by Indie. Miss J Cyprien

2, 22. Saadani Storm Catcher with Sharufa. Miss E Darling Steele.

So much more settled in this, her 2nd class of the day, she stood and moved well for her handler. Not dissimilar in stamp to 1 she has a feminine head with a dark, bright round eye and a kind expression. Lovely clean neck to withers and top line which she held well throughout. Good depth to her chest and a nice length to her ribbing, she had good rear quarters that once settled used well on the move.

Post Graduate Bitch 10/1

1, 53. Priorpark Pipsicle. Ms H Parsons

Although this 19-month was showing signs of a recent season, she couldn’t be denied. So correct to standard every angle, length of bone, proportion and plumb line is what I like to see. Demonstrating excellent muscle tone, she is the epitome of a strong athletic hound in a feminine, moderate form, all wrapped up in a beautiful, shining light wheaten coat.

2, 70. Bovijo Bed of Roses. Claudia Willunat

At 3 years, this nicely shaped girl is close to full maturity. Good head with

beautiful dark eyes, well set ears. A good length of neck to nicely placed shoulder with a pleasing length to her upper arm allowing her plenty of reach. Correct depth and length of ribbing and a neat tuck up. A well developed rear with plenty of muscling, good angulation, strong hocks allowed her a good, clean rear action.

Limit Bitch 10/2.
1, 52. Priorpark Pipsqueak. Miss H Parsons
A 19-month bitch with clean lines and impressive from every angle. Strongly built but exuding femininity she demonstrated excellent bone, with correct length to height proportions. A feminine head with big dark round eyes that showed a determination to please her handler and go all the way. Good strong neck flowing to a clean shoulder and good front assembly with the right amount of fill when viewed from the front. Excellent length and depth of ribbing with a lovely tuck up to a strong loin. Her rear assembly matching her front with an excellent first and 2nd thigh, lovely turn of stifle and standing on good, tight feet. She carried it all on the move with a clean easy action displaying a beautiful outline carrying her well placed tail correctly behind her. She got better and better with every turn, enchanting me to the very last free stack which she nailed to perfection. Best Bitch and BIS.
2, 7. Kansenji Noor. Mr K Alexander
At 4 years and 9 months, this bitch is in her prime. Strong, proud and upstanding she has a good head showing a kind and slightly aloof expression, excellent strength through her neck to a well placed shoulder and good length and return of upper arm. She has an excellent depth of brisket allowing for good heart and lung room, showing good fill from the front. She has a good tuck up to a strong loin with a well muscled rear, lovely turn of stifle and well let down hocks, all standing on
good arched feet. On the move she demonstrates accurate footing and a nice, clean action but was clearly a little fatigued with the long day.

Open Bitch 3/0

1, 47. Gabisa Woo Woo JW ShCM. Mrs E Nelson

A 4 year old bitch in her prime. She has an easy going air about her and strikes a beautiful outline, demonstrating a lovely length to depth to bone ratio. A clean masked face with a good round dark eye set in a pleasing head. She has a good length of neck inserted cleanly into her withers, a well placed shoulder and good length of upper arm. Her ribbing gives her a good underline to her loin with nice rise. She moved steadily but purposefully with a calm, understated, easy going action.

2, 67. Faahac Royaal Faribaa ShCM. Mr A & Miss G Thomson

A 6 year red wheaten with a bright, sparkling expression who makes a striking outline on the stand. A lovely head held by a clean well arched neck, she has a good, level top line, pleasing croup and tail set. Plenty of rear angulation with excellent width of thigh. She has a nice overall size and moves cleanly coming and going, could just use a hint more depth of brisket to complete the picture.

Kim Hodge

Colkeririn Rhodesian Ridgebacks

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