Rhodesian Ridgeback Club of Scotland
Show Certificate of Merit (ShCM)
To achieve the title Show Certificate of Merit (ShCM) after your dogs name you need to win a total of 25 points from General and Group Open Shows, with a minimum of 5 points having to be won from Group competition.
The scale is as follows...
5 points for Best in Show
4 points for single group Best in Show
3 points for RBIS at General Open show, or Group Open show not judged on the group system
Group placings attract - 4 for GP1, 3 for GP2, 2 for GP3 and 1 for GP4 (exc Puppy Group)
1 point for Best AVNSC
1 point for Best of Breed
To download a form from The Kennel club website to claim the award please click here.
If your dog has gained the ShCM title, please send us the details along with a photo to rrcs@live.co.uk

CH Sonstraal Gabe's Prospect at Sescheke JW ShCM
(CH/Aust CH Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp) x CH Rex Ventors Gabriza (Imp))
Bred by Sharon Rossiter and Anthea Fox of the Sonstraal Kennel, owned in Partnership by Sharon Rossiter, Anthea Fox and Nicholas Boyd

CH Kiromol Kantigi of Kikeba JW ShCM
(Musanga Sanga Mukana at Nyassa (Imp) x Ir CH Kiromol Kianga)
Bred by Liz & Paul Storey of the Kiromol Kennel, owned by Alison and Scott Muir of the Kikeba Kennel
Photo by Trafford
CH Rejan Chaos ShCM
(CH Flametrees Kyper of Godolphin x Lpuli Jolly Sparkle of Rejan)
Bred by Janet Parker and owned by Victoria Brown and Kevin Wells


Sonstraal Gabby's Dream ShCM
(CH Sonstraal Baron Samedi x CH Rex Ventors Gabriza (Imp))
Bred by Sharon Rossiter and Anthea Fox, and owned by Edith Wallace
CH Sonstraal Chocolate Storm SHCM
(CH/Aust CH Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp) x Sonstraal Miss Marple of Gabisa)
Bred by Sharon Rossiter & Anthea Fox, owned by Lisa Aitken & Iain Reid

CH Sonstraal She's a Devil Woman JW ShCM
(CH Sonstraal Gabe's Prospect at Sescheke JW ShCM x Sonstraal Miss Marple of Gabisa)
Bred by Sharon Rossiter and Anthea Fox, owned by Sharon Rossiter and Mary Pratt

CH Zougani Zawadi ShCM
(CH/Aust CH Chilolo CJ Someday Sam (Imp) x Zougani Ziba)
Bred by Eileen Nelson, owned by Gemma Darling and Handled by Billie Darling

Zougani Zuri ShCM
Ch Kiromol Kantigi of Kikeba JW ShCM x Zougani Zasha
Bred by Eileen Nelson, owned by Gillian & John Mulligan

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